Did you have any problems getting your paperwork into ARMS?
I sent mine in on 11/30, even have the confirmation that it went through, but in my reminder call today (that I got while driving to work) she said she hadn't received it and my appointment would be canceled if they didn't get it today. Yikes, so I flipped a U-ie, ran home, grabbed the paperwork and hurried into work. I tried faxing it 3 more times and got a "no answer" error each time. I finally ended up scanning and emailing it to someone over there. Ugh, makes me glad everyone else is out of the office this morning as I was stressing out trying to get the paperwork in. I do NOT want to have to reschedule that appointment.
Re: **JenniferBultman**
Sorry it took so long! I've been insanely busy.
Anyway- we decided to postpone TTC to May. I went to my OB for my annual, and (this will sounds nutso) she said we could do whatever we wanted, if we wanted to start now, we had her blessing. I was fully expecting to hear the "lose weight speech" so since I actually got to make the choice it was like...oh well... hmm.
We've decided to wait 6 months, (me) try to lose weight, and get in a few last "spontaneous" trips, just the two of us. Everyone I know is pregnant it seems (this board is no exception
) so we get our baby fill plenty. I'd like to lose some more weight just to go into a healthier pregnancy, as well as just get some more stuff around the house done.
How did your appointment go? Who did you see?
That sounds like a good plan, especially the spontaneous trips. I honestly expected to hear the "lose weight speech" yesterday too (I have about 15-20 lbs I'd like to loose to be my ideal weight). So I was plesantly surprised when it didn't come up at all.
We saw Dr. Moffitt. I had seen him about 3 years ago as a one time consult/2nd opinion at the suggestion of the Endo I was seeing when we were originally looking at PCOS, so I figured we'd go with him. True to what someone else said, he was a bit dry (which I hadn't remembered him being) but he was very nice and is ready to get us going right away.
The plan is to do Clomid + dexamethasone (to block my high testosterone) + and HCG trigger. Before that I have to do a HSG, a 2 hour glucose since I haven't done one before, a recheck of my thyroid and a S/A for DH. Since they won't do clomid the same cycle they do the HSG I probably won't get to take the clomid until late Jan/early February. So now I'm totally anxious for AF to show up so I can get the HSG done sooner rather than later.