Every year H's family gets together for Christmas eve. This year we're hosting it. They normally keep it fairly casual.
This is what we have so far on the menu...it'll be buffet style:
-cheese/crackers/olives for apps when everyone arrives.
-Variety of deli meats (roast beef, turkey, ham, salami), Buns, cheese, pickles, condiments.....they can make they're own sandwiches.
- Meatballs
-deviled eggs (brought by MIL)
- some kind of salad dish (brought by aunt).
-veggie tray
what am I missing, is there anything that doesn't make sense? I guess if in doubt we will have plenty of wine.... :I
Re: Christmas eve dinner...does this sound lame?
I didn't even think about everything being cold, thanks that's a great idea. Hot chocolate might be an easy add on, I can put some bailey's on the side, and I'll think of one other hot dish.
I think you're right. Maybe I'll make minestrone soup. I've made this one before and it was good and it's got tons of veggies and stuff it's fairly filling. If I added that and maybe took out the meatballs do you think it would make more sense?
Yea I think this would be good, to take out the meatballs and add the soup. Although I cheat when I make the soup, I buy cans of minestrone soup then add more veggies my self and add some spices. I'm sure your way is better but easier the better for me. haha
Love the minestrone. It was a soup I had in mind, but have never made. I approve.
woohoo! Thanks! I feel much better about this now!
This minestrone soup is SO easy, I did it once before and froze a bunch, it would almost be as easy as getting a can of minestrone and adding veggies, you should try it:)
I don't know, I ton't think soup fits either...what you have is sort of grazey, but you would have to sit down and commit to eating a bowl of soup.
Honestly, think you are missing chips and dip (maybe some pretzels too), and a hot dip
I think the deviled eggs seem out of place but since your MIL is making them we can't really cut it
I don't know, I ton't think soup fits either...what you have is sort of grazey, but you would have to sit down and commit to eating a bowl of soup.
Honestly, think you are missing chips and dip (maybe some pretzels too), and a hot dip
think the deviled eggs seem out of place but since your MIL is making them we can't really cut itAfter awhile, you just want to be with the one who makes you laugh. - Mr. Big
Do you like to cook? I only ask b/c this seems like a menu for someone who doesn't like to cook. (Which is totally OK! Just asking.) It also sort of seems like a work party-- it's an assortment of things that sort of hover in the room temp zone, are easy to make, and can be bought at the store. (Again, if that's what you're going for, that's a fine choice.)
I might start with whatever I definitely want to have. If it's the deli tray, then add some fancied up condiments. Have an assortment of rolls.
I'd do the meat balls as an appetizer. Maybe the deviled eggs, too.
Then to accompany the sandwiches-- a warm potato salad, mac-n-cheese, some roasted veggies perhaps. Maybe a festive salad with pomegranate seeds, walnuts, orange sections over greens.
Maybe a fun punch to drink. And what about dessert? A trifle would be lovely.
Julie, I do like to cook and this is not what I would invision having when I have people over. The reason we were doing the deli meat and buns thing was because it was MIL's idea. She's let us know a few times that we shouldn't go to any trouble and that deli meat would be perfect and then ended up giving H money for it...I think it's because it's what she does at her place for x-mas eve get together and she really just doesn't want me to feel overwhelmed. I'm having a hard time going away from that idea though because it was hers and I get along really well with her so don't want her to think that I hate her idea. haha yay for Christmas and families!
Maybe I'll talk to H and see about making some changes though, I can make it fairly simple still but amp it up so that it's more of a well rounded meal, even if it just means adding a potatoe salad or pasta side.
Thanks I'm going to revamp it!
we'll have a full bar, most of them will be drinking wine and beer but I'll have mulled wine made as well (an idea from a pp's)
Nobody in that family really eats dessert so we're just getting an assortment of squares (I know it's not fancy but after easter this year everyone realized that desserts were just going to a waste so everyone decided to stop spending time making them).
I'd also take into account that this is the style everyone seems comfortable with. For some, Christmas Eve is about hams and glazed carrots and, for others, it's about deli sandwiches. If your ILs do deli sandwiches, you have to think about whether they'd like a switch to something more, well, let's used the word sophisticated or whether they'd see it as you trying to fix something that's not broken.
I'll assume you're going to stick with something like what you had. I'd keep everything you had but move the meatballs to apps, add a hot comfort-food side dish (like cheesy potatoes or broccoli casserole or mac 'n' cheese) and a hot drink like cocoa or cider.
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Wine and Chocolate... Otherwise it sounds perfect for a casual, no stress dinner with family.
Have fun!