....or do you find that it is hard to find friends that treat the friendship well. Let me clarify...we have this other couple we are friends with. We all met at our local "watering hole" and we always laugh and have a great time when we hang out. But it's little things like...I will have them over and cook dinner and provide drinks and so on. They don't invite us over to their place to reciprocate. I LOVE doing things for my friends and am always opening my mouth and volunteering to do things that I think would be fun for all.
Another big example...this Halloween...I am a huge fan of halloween and they are too. They needed me to do some sewing cusomizations on their costumes and I did it. I even bought the materials to fix some things for them and they were going to pay us back on payday. That didn't happen so we suggested when they came over for a "fitting" that they bring some pizza. They had to change the date of the fitting and the pizza never happened. THEN it was going to be that they would bring us some Goldschlager (sp?) on halloween night to have a toast before we headed out. Didn't happen.
Now let me point out that we rented a Chrysler 300 limo for Halloween night so we could bar-hop in style. I also provided appetizers to munch on while we all got dressed to go out, alcohol for the limo ride and breakfast afterwards at our house. I didn't ask for any of our friends (6 total friends joined us for this night out) to help pay for the car. But...a little help with the tip OR hell...even just buy us a drink that night. NOTHING!! Oh we got some "thanks" from them when they finally all went home at like 5:15am. But no tip money, no round of drinks for me and Sandy, no NOTHING!!
So, this was the first and only year I will put out for an outing like that. I wanted to do it. I had a good time. I just feel a little disappointed in their lack of ANY sort of reciprocation for this and other stuff we do for them. It's like "oh well Kim makes good money...she can afford it!" and they just take and take.
We don't want to be friendless of course. We don't want to become stingy or bitter. We just feel like people can be a disppointment sometimes and it's a shame.
Vent over.....
Re: Is it just me....
That's super annoying!
If you really want to be friends with them, just keep hanging out - but say no if they ask a favor. I don't have much advice on the Halloween except maybe meet them out in the future instead of riding in together.