I am a new Aunt & I couldn't be more excited for their first Christmas with us!! My nephew will be 1 year old in March & my niece is 4 months old.
I am going to get my niece her first pair of Cowgirl boots - we love country music, Country Thunder & are planning on going to this rodeo in MN this summer so I know her mom would love them for pics & whatnot. But I also want to go her some misc toys - maybe educational. Thoughts?
M nephew just started walking. I have no kids myself so I don't really know what are new craze for toys. I was thinking maybe some educational toys and definitely some toys to that can keep him busy for hours...which seems harder & harder to do nowadays Ideas?
TIA for your help - it is SO appreciated!!
Re: Gift Ideas
i hear those little einstein cds? dvds? are great but since they are twenty bucks, most parents don't like to buy them themselves.
also, may i suggest since they are at an age that they don't especially remember much nor care about the latest high fangled gadget that a savings bond might be a good idea? it's the gift that keeps on giving. i know that they don't build a lot of money, but they do build some and can be so helpful when college comes around.
my read shelf:
Good idea about the savings bond.
While the Einstein's are great, especially at the newborn and first year stage, consider the "Your Baby Can Read" series. It was pretty pricey when I was given it but now they have sets at Walmart and if you consider it a price for both kids its not too bad.
Alternatively and when they get to be 9 months or more try Preschool Prep "Meet the Colors", "Meet the Numbers" and "Meet the Letters". I have all the PP, most of the Einstein and the YBCR and my daughter astounded the pediatrician with what she knew at each visit. AND she liked to watch it. Much better than some cartoon at this age.