Hello! I am looking to find any information I can on the following OBGYN's. I recently had a c-section delivery at Community Memorial Hospital in Menomonee Falls. My current OBGYN has told me that I need to have c-section deliveries and I am not to happy with that out come so am looking at switching my provider to a VBAC friendly doctor. I contacted a local doula and she gave me this list of OBGYN's that would consider me for a VBAC.
Sheldon Wasserman - Columbia St Mary's
James Linn - Columbia St Mary's
Kathleen Trebien - Columbia St Mary's
Alan Gustin - the new Aurora hospital in Oconomowoc
Karen Gottwald - St Joe's hospital
If you have seen any of these doctors or know anyone that has please tell me your experiances. Any information you can give me would be wonderful.
Re: Have you used any of these OBGYN's?
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13 (repeat c/s)