Jos & Nat are sick...fever and diagnosed virus. Sucks!
Our sitter calls frantic at 4:40 pm to tell me that the girls have fevers, weezing/chest congestion, refused to eat or drink anything all day, and she was begging me to take them to the pedi. The girls were NOT like this this morning. OMG!
I called the pedi and he kindly offered to see them, even if I arrived after hours. So my van turned into a jet plane and I swooped up the girls, DH and managed not to get a ticket on the way to the doc's office.
They drew blood and swabbed their throats for strep. It's a virus, plenty of liquids - yay popsicles count, tylenol for fever, and rest.
Geez! Luckily, we got the girls one of their faves (pizza hut) and let them drink juice. Plus tylenol...Nat was singing and dancing after about 8pm. Signs of hope...
Thanks for letting me vent.
Re: When it rains, it pours (sigh)...
Ay Camote! **((hugs))**
Good they ate and drank fluids finally. Singing and dancing are very good signs.?
awww man mia that really stinks. but that is so cool that the pedi was willing to see the girls afterhours.
hope they get better really quickly.
Aw poor girls! ?Glad to hear about the singing and dancing. ?Hope they work through it fast! ?Take some extra vitamin C yourself.
Jacob is physically acting better, but has the runny nose from hell! ?Thankfully he is sleeping well again thanks to the benadryl! ?He has/had some sort of virus. ?I am glad he is working through it. ?He had to miss a birthday party today though?.