now I can't sleep. Its I think 5 or 6 am.
The dream was Rj, my mom and I were somewhere where there was a huge fish pond. As I was about to walk into it I saw it had Koi fish. I turned to tell my mom that they can get pretty big& jump out of the water then this giant one jumps out and happens to land between me & Rj then pushes Rj with its giant tail into the pond. I started screaming like a mad woman telling my mom to get him out. And when I looked at the pond there were lights in the water and saw Rj screaming under the water then just stopped-Mom got him out and as I started doing CPR I woke up in tears crying out of breath.?
I ran to his room and he is ok. UGH! I hate dreams like this. Dh would just tell me that something must be bothering me-duh! Rj started putting himself to sleep alone in his room this week. Every night he does this " Mama mama-where are you, I am scared " scream after I read to him and say his prayers with him routine. Once we get through that episode he turns off his lights and sleeps. Sounds like I might be the one having issues about his growing up...oh boy!
Thanks for listening....I should also add that I am deathly afraid of the water and can't swim.?
Re: Just woke up from a bad dream...
aiii Mae that's terrible!!
uuggh I had a bad dream too, but it had to do with shopping...aiii!!!
and yay for RJ on putting himself to bed. maybe to make things easier for you, you can finish your story, pull up the blankets kiss him and you shut off the light when you see he's all tucked in...i still do that to Jacob, only my big boy sleeps in a loft bed now and I have to stand on a chair to kiss him good night...hehe
Have you ever thought about taking swimming lessons?
Maybe if you learned to swim it would help with those types of nightmares.