Okay. So we went to the pool at our clubhouse this morning. While there we heard what we thought were baby birds chirping in the bushes around the pool. I wanted to see the birds so I went to look in the bushes. I saw a grey and furry tail which I figured were baby squirrels so I called my daughter over to look.
Then I saw the rest of the body and realized it was a kitten. I picked it up and walked around the rest of the bushes where I had heard the "baby birds" chirping and found two more kittens spread out across the bushes around the pool. They were all screaming and hollering but stopped when we put them together and wrapped them in a towel.
Well of course it was too late to call a vet on a Saturday so I called a no-kill shelter. They're not taking anymore cats right now so I called another. She wasn't taking any either. I suggested to my DH we take them to the county animal shelter (it's supposed to be no-kill as well). He is such a softy that he wants to keep one (then two and now I thinks it's all three!) I'll keep you updated after we take them to the vet on Monday. Hopefully DSD's mom will agree to take one.
Re: Found kittens...
Taking baby wild animals from their mamas?
Taking in baby domestic animals, who are major threats to the environment when left feral?
Go you! Good luck on placing them. Man, every rescue is SO full right now- and with the economy the way it is, it's only going to get worse.
Aww, good for you for finding them a home! It's definitely better for the kittens and the native wildlife for them not to stay out there un-fixed.
Can't wait to see some kitten pics! :-)
- Diane