Has anyone done this? We live on 2 acres of land and have about a 1/2 acre field where we grow organic veggies. We also have about 7 chickens and we raised 2 pigs last year. I really want to continue to grow and raise my own food and am looking into a few milking goats as well. However, it is costly, especially to grow organic.
I am wondering about starting a small CSA. I have so many friends who buy organic, that i think i would have people interested. I end up giving away a lot of what we produce.
I am trying to find a place for information on what to charge and how many people I should be able to support. i figure I should start small this year and see how it goes.
Anyone know of a good resource on this?
Re: Starting my own CSA
I would start at localharvest.org
I found this article (I didn't read the whole thing tho)
My CSA is very small. She has about 10ish shares (I don't know how many full shares I did a half share last year and I want to say she had 14 clients)
She only participates from July thru Labor Day (or 8 weeks whatever comes first) with a "week off" if you need it. Our cost last year was $100.
We got mostly greens and squash for the first two weeks and then everything came in. Every week we got salad greens, some herbs, then whatever produce was in. I hope that helps.
Best sound ever: baby's heartbeat! (Heard @ 10w1d)
Sent PM with e-address of our local organic you-pick.
I'm sure he can tell you a LOT!
He said they actually made more on their corn maze at $5 a head than they did on produce or pumpkins. (Sorry, I forgot what he said exactly)