So, I love my dog. I really do. But flippen A is she frustrating me!
Miley is 2.5 years old. She never really mastered open house potty training. However, for the last 1.5 years has done REALLY well with crate training. She loves her crate (we call it her house). She has a really nice pad, blanket, toys, and gets her kong whenever she goes on there (regardless of if we put her in there or she goes in on her own).
She knows WHERE to potty, when we're home, she's really good about letting us know she needs to go and goes to the door, she just wont "hold it". Well recently, she's started peeing in her crate! She pulls the blanket back, pee's on the pad, then puts the blanket over it!
It is SO frustrating because she was doing SO well. I don't know what to do at this point. She always goes out before going in her crate, and she's peed in it now after being in there for 2 hours or 6 hours, it doesn't matter.
Any suggestions?
Re: In need of some dog help...
I am sorry you are having to deal with this. Do you think she is having some seperation anxiety or some form of doggy depression? I know this one girl whos dog was really good but then started to revert back to "puppy" like behavior with seperation anxiety and doggy depression. She had to put her on meds to calm her down while she was at work.
I hope this isn't the case with Miley, I am just puzzled that she is peeing where she sleeps they don't normally do that.
Has she been on any meds lately, the reason I ask is because the meds my parents are giving Daphanie make her go to the bathroom more and she can't always hold it, maybe that is the cause if she has been sick or on meds recently.
I will google a bit and see what I can find as far as solutions. Sorry I am not much help at this point.
This! I'd take her to the vet and see if there's anything going on medically.
Thanks guys- I'm going to take her to the vet tomorrow and go from there. I didn't even think of a UTI, and I feel like a jerk!
Jenn- you're on to something there- when we first got Miley she had BAD seperation anxiety, and I've not been home much at all, so it's very possible it could be an emotional issue too.
Hopefully we dont have to resort to taking the pad out of her crate =( I'd feel HORRIBLE!
titan loves to lay on the cold bottom of his kennel, he lays in there all day. i think she'd probably be alright lol. but! i hope you figure this whole thing out and you don't have to mess with her comfy bed. when dogs start doing things out of the norm like that you know something's going on
my read shelf:
I am sorry =( I hope the vet can get some answers for you and that you won't have to take her pad out of the crate.