I'm so mad. I bought my car in October 2009. It's a Rav4 Sport 6 cyl 4X4. It snowed ALOT last winter and I never had any problems, but it was all flat terrain at my other house.
Now that we live in the mountains, the roads can be windy and hilly. Friday we got our first decent piece of snow and HOLY COW I almost died... more than once. I have never been afraid of driving in snow... and had to do it plenty... but I was literally sliding ALL over the place. Even on flat parts of the road.
So I did some research and apparently run flat tires SUCK in snow... so, now I have to go and spend between $600-1000 on new tires. Ugh...
Re: Car Vent
{Blog: Adventures of AlaskanAlison}
That sucks! I'm sorry.