Our condo complex is being fumigated (conveniently the week we're on our cruise, which is both a plus & minus). I've never lived in a home that was being fumigated. It's always been done before we moved in (so before all of our STUFF was in the place), so I really have no idea what to expect or do. We got a big packet we have to fill out & send back to the fumigation company, and they gave us a "Bag or not to Bag" packet with those big plastic bags for foods/meds.
Other then that, I'm not sure what to expect. The packet even said something about not leaving silverware out, but I figured we could just wash all the stuff when we get back. & of course, there is suppose to be someone home the day of the fumigation, and the day after, to let the Gas Co. in to turn the gas off & back on. We aren't going to be there so I'm hoping our neighbor can deal with that for us, since they have to be home also.
Is there anything else I should know? We can't even leave one of our cars in the garage, which means it has to be left at one of our parents houses. Not a huge deal, just a PITA. Also we aren't leaving anything valuable there. But I'm also wondering about clothes? If we can't eat food that's been exposed to the fumigation, can we wear clothes that have, or do we have to wash every item of clothing we own?
I guess I should have read the "To Bag or Not to Bag" packet first. ::sigh::