HB 2228 prohibits cyclists from carrying children 6 years or younger on a bicycle or in a bike trailer.
HB 2602 prohibits cyclists from using headphones and bluetooth devices.
My thoughts: 2228 is stupid. Require them to use proper safety gear - helmet, straps - but then let it go. So many Portlanders use cycling as their main form of transportation; you'd be telling families with children under 6 that they must own a car or use TriMet. Why should I have to do that when cycling is free? H and I were planning on buying a trailer this year so we could take our 3 year old nephews places with us. They will definitely be wearing a helmet and we will get a highly rated trailer. Now we'll wait. There's no point in getting one if the boys can't go places with us.
2602 - I'm ok with the no headphones part of it. Motorists shouldn't wear headphones either. But to make it ok for a motorist to use a bluetooth and not for a cyclist makes me all kinds of ragey.
Re: What do you think of the proposed bike laws?
I too think HB 2228 is stupid for the same reasons
I can agree with HB 2602. I also think motorists should not be allowed to use bluetooth, but I think cyclists have to be even more aware and not distracted because there are a lot of idiot motorists out there...even the ones not using bluetooths. When I ride, I am hyper vigilant of motorists. I tend to not trust anyone.
2228 is ridiculous. I hope this doesn't pass.
2602- I can see where it's dangerous to use headphones/bluetooths while cycling but why are motorists allowed? I did see a cyclist texting once- that was scary.
I think 2228 is a solution in search of a problem and I'm side-eyeing Greenlick for proposing it; I find it hard to believe that he can't find more pressing issues to occupy his time and title.
I think banning headphones make sense, but the bluetooth part is dumb.
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