Hey ladies, I know there are a few of us on the board here that have IF issues and every year I volunteer for RESOLVE's (nation IF asssociation) for the annual Walk of Hope. This year is the 3rd annual WOH and I made a team to try and raise more money. Team Parethood! The walk is March 5th at the Eldorado Park in Scottsdale. It's an easy 1.3 mile.Registra tion begins at 8:00AM and the Walk begins at 9:00AM. The Walk activities will be completed by 11:30AM. It is a family event (with a separte child-less check in if you are still battleing) with lots of fur babies and fun things for the kids! And they usually always do a free IVF give away!
So if you can spare ANY donation at all, please do so- or better yet, join my team and walk with us! It is for a great cause, because as I like to say everyone deserves the right to be able to start a family, no matter what the diagnosis.
Thanks for your time, and hopefulyl some of you can come out. It would be great to meet some of you!!
Click here to join my team or donate!
Re: RESOLVE Walk of Hope- Battling IF!
I want to walk as well since IF is something that is near and dear to me! Let me double check my calendar but I believe that day is free.
LisaP- I see you are starting tx again in spring, I wish you lots of luck. When do you plan to start again (I hope you don't mind me asking). Where do you plan to go? I am just starting again with a new RE this week. Let me know if you ever want to talk.
Great..if you are all free and want to walk make sure you join my team!!
We started back up with the same RE we used before, ARMS. I have already done my HSG, and will do my CD 3 testing this week, then we plan on using up the 2 frozen sperm samples we have at the clinic with IUI's. Same protocal as last time. We prob have enough for 1 or 2 more tries. So we'll see if that produces a baby
We prob wont do those until April or May. I have a new unopend Follistim cartridge from when we were doing treatments before that expires in June, so I want to use it up before then! I see you are doing IUI, is this your first one? Best of luck to you, and if you have any questions about the process,etc. I would love to answer! Hoipe you can make it to the walk!! It is SO nice to be surrounded by people who are or have gone through the same thing, and talk openly about it!!
DD #1 {04-19-2004}
Secondary IF: Severe MFI (low testosterone, low count, low morph, & very low motility) & Annovulation
After 22 months IUI # 3 Clomid + Follistim = BFP
DD #2 {12-31-2009}
2 more years of failed IF treatments and a failed adoption TTC #3
TTC Journey Over~ Not By Choice
I just signed up under your team, I am excited to walk. Its a great cause and there are so many people out there that have IF.
Yes, this will be our first IUI. We may end up doing TI, depends on how things look and where I am at financially this cycle since IUI only increases my chances slightly (issues are all me). We planned to do it in the past but I never produced enough (well technically any) so we cancelled all cycles before. I changed REs and we are changing protocals and are going with Menopur this cycle since Follistim/Clomid/Femara/Gonal-F didn't do a thing for me in the past. I go in Wed for a shot of progesterone to kick start the cycle and then we will go from there. I am excited to get going but also nervous to start. I am more scared to start the heparin this week than anything else (we'll start on Wed). I am not looking forward to all the needles (I am a needlephobic), luckily DH can give them to me.