My youngest son is getting baptized next Sunday morning and we are celebrating with lunch at our house immediately afterward. We'll have about 20 people (all family) over. They'll be coming from about 45 minutes away and we'll be eating around noon. I thought about doing meat/cheese trays with salads, but I hate to serve everything cold after they've driven that far and all. Plus, it will be the first time most people have been to our home since we moved in August. Ideally, I'd love to do something outside, but it's only supposed to be 53 degrees that day with a chance of rain, so I'm thinking no to that. I need stuff I can prep ahead of time, keep warm in crockpots, or just reheat quickly right after church.
Here's what I'm thinking right now.
--a smoked pork tenderloin with some kind of sauce (any recipes appreciated)
--pasta salad
--loaded baked potato salad
--corn salad or corn on the cob
--fruit of some sort
--broccoli salad
--good rolls with butter
--maybe some appetizer like things, such as cheese and crackers, stuffed mushrooms, meatballs, dips, etc.
--cupcakes for dessert (vanilla and chocolate)
Is this too summery for a lunch in January? We are so sick of heavy foods like stews and chili.
Re: Can you give some input on this baptism lunch menu?
I like the menu! With our weather lately, I think it's fine. It's not like we're buried under 5 ft of snow and needing to stay warm lol.
I use this for my pork and people go crazy for it. It's stupidly easy, but I'll gladly accept the compliments. I've had a hard time finding it locally, but Kroger and WM both sell it...when they have it.
For the pasta salad, the oriental noodle one at Kroger's really good, as is their loaded baked potato salad. Maybe instead of another salad with the broccoli, serve broccoli and carrots with a light dip.
I do think corn salad's out of season, so I'd probably skip that one.
Cheese and crackers with summer sausage is easy and all the men like it. I think stuffed mushrooms would be nice, but they're a take or leave for me, depending on how much time you have after church.
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Yes cheese, crackers, and pepperoni or summer sausage with some mustard...I would go with one more appetizer just to have out so people can eat that instead of giving you the I'm hungry look...I know BJ's sell these party spiral rolls made with cream cheese/lunch meat...or I've seen recipes for tortilla roll ups, I would go with something like that.
How about a spinach salad...I once did this as an add on to the shower and it was the only thing I got complimented on (baby spinach, kens raspberry vinagrette, and sesame seeds) could add another kind of nut or some feta cheese, maybe some roasted red peppers...keep it light
Is corn in season in MS? I'd stay away from corn on the cob or corn salad if it isn't. What about scalloped corn? If its 53 degrees, I think you need a little more warm than a bunch of salads. Otherwise the pork sounds great!
Another thought-- what about a light soup?
Spinach salad is always a good choice. People seem to love it around here.
I also think a light soup could be a good addition. You can make it in the crockpot so you wouldn't have to worry about prep when you arrived home.
Yeah, I'm gonna scrap the corn. When I made this menu, we were having a warm front and I was in a spring kind of mood. Now it's cold again, and the salads seem out of place! LOL! Back to the drawing board...
I'll hopefully have another menu to post later today!
I would definitely have some easy apps to put out as soon as you get home. No matter how much is prepped ahead, it takes time to put food out. Have a cheese plate and maybe some shrimp cocktail and a veg tray.
I would also consider switching some of the salads to something warm. Example- instead of potato salad, do a potato casserole. Instead of the corn maybe baked beans? These can either be crockpot or just put on a lower temp in the oven while you are gone.