So today we had our first ultrasound, last week when I went to the doctors they were trying to use the wheel to give me my edd. According to the wheel is should be 9/13 but I just knew we conceived on cd25 since I had been charting so I knew y edd would be 9/22 so I was really looking forward to today and the ultrasound.
Everything started out normal, they did my pap and cultures and then it was time for the big event? well to me and DH is was a big event. Hehe it would be the first time we saw our little baby bean. So once the doctor got started he had no problem finding the baby right away. He immediately said, oh yes you are very early on like you thought, we could see the heartbeat flicker but since it is so small we couldn?t get a good measurement of it or the baby so we are going back in two week. We get to see our baby again in just TWO short weeks! EEK I can not wait.
Once he was done with the ultrasound he looked at the picture on the screen again and said he would say that the baby is measuring 6 weeks 3 days but he would ?give me the day? hah which mean I was pretty much spot on with my edd
Here is our tiny little baby bean?
Re: 1st Ultrasound today...
The Life of the E Family
Thanks girls!
Shannon, how did your ultrasound go?
just fine! i saw the np and she really likes to do ultrasounds i guess. i wasn't expecting one. she said if i come see her instead of my ob for my next 4 week appointment (15w3d), she'll take a peek and see if she can tell the gender. i have my nt scan next week, so already i will have had as many ultrasounds as i had during my last pregnancy lol
DD #1 {04-19-2004}
Secondary IF: Severe MFI (low testosterone, low count, low morph, & very low motility) & Annovulation
After 22 months IUI # 3 Clomid + Follistim = BFP
DD #2 {12-31-2009}
2 more years of failed IF treatments and a failed adoption TTC #3
TTC Journey Over~ Not By Choice
That is awesome that she like to do ultrasounds! haha I don't think I could see the baby enough while it is growing
I was surprised when my dr said they do the nt scan at 12 weeks for everyone not just ladies who are over 35 anymore. He said something like the law changed, but my first thought was SCORE we can see the bean again! Isn't it amazing that no so long ago our parents didn't even get ONE ultrasound let alone the bare minumun of 3 or 4 now. It amazes me the technology that had eveolved from when we were born until now with our little ones.
How are you feeling? Do you think D has picked up on something going on yet?
yeah if she keeps giving me ultrasounds i'm just going to keep going to her instead, lol.
dominic's too little to understand any of that yet. not really sure even at 2.5 he will really get it, aside from him just repeating what we tell him.
Yay! So exciting! You'll be amazed in 2 weeks how much your baby has grown!
How are you feeling?
I am feeling great for the most part, I am just tired alot of the time and my boobs seem to get even more sore as time goes on. haha But so far no morning sickness so I am pretty lucky i guess
How about you? How are you feeling?
That is true I guess, he is still pretty young, on my birth month board some of the ladies were saying their LO were being extra clingy right around the time they found out they were expecting number 2 or 3.
Thanks! I can not wait to see baby bean at 12w see his or her little face and looking like a baby!