Congrats on the new job ! It sounds like this decision was certainly the right one, and will mean only good things for you and your family.
And thanks for providing me with a bit of inspiration. I am sort of in the process of job searching...have been in my current position for 6 years now, enjoy my work, and love the people that I work with. Like you, while at this job, I got married, had a baby, bought a condo, etc. But it also requires me to work crazy long hours during the summer, where I'm lucky if I get to see Ethan for an hour during the day. Yes, it's only 2 months out of the year, but when Ethan gets older and is in school, I'll want to have regular work hours during the summer.
Anyway, to make a long story short, your post has solidified my decision to keep going with the job search. I do need to move on, but have fallen into the "why mess with a good thing" trap. Thanks for the extra nudge .
Re: ***Mindymo25***
:::butting in::::
I couldn't have said it better ) Thank you!
Ah..thanks to both of you. It's nice to know that my story has inspired you two. I have to say, it seriously was one of the hardest decsions I've had to make.
I started thinking about it back in May, but never made one mention of it to DH...but I would shop around the job sites. Then I started working on my resume and asked him to review it one day. I told him I just wanted to be ready "just in case". Then I just started sending my resume out, but I secretly hoped they wouldn't call strange, huh?
Just to add icing to the cake for you guys, I'll share the rest. Ultimately, I received a call from a recruiter who shared an opportunity with me. I wasn't overly interested, but figured I needed to dust my interview skills off, so I met the recruiter for coffee.
She thought I'd be a great fit and said she would present me to her client, but the client was on vacation for a few weeks. I never once thought about the job because I still wasn't "wowed" by the job. Several weeks later, the recruiter called me and asked me to meet her client. When I did, the person that I would be reporting to and I clicked like we were meant for each other. So, that got me very interested and I started asking a lot more questions and the job became a lot more interesting.
In the end, the benefits that I got are so far superior to anything I ever had at my job that I am in total shock still. My new boss is the type that doesn't care how the job gets done, just as long as it does. If I finish what I'm doing, then I can just leave. I got a ton of crazy holidays and 5 weeks vacation to start...and those are just some of the benefits.
So, to further inspire you two...I was so ambivalent to this entire process and totally ended up with quite a deal. I seriously encourage you to do it...I know how hard it is...and I still have quite a hurdle in front of me.
Best of luck...