I received a large scholarship earlier this year that had a stipulation that I have to work for the county for 2 years after I graduate (I graduated in May). When I went to sign the scholarship contract I was obviously pregnant and I asked the coordinator if it was going to be a problem because I would not be starting work until the new year. She said it would not be a problem b/c they will just treat it as if I were still in school and they would postpone my deadline to get hired.
Fast forward until today. The same lady called me to tell me that I was in breach of the contract and that I needed to better communicate what my plans were. I told her I had spoke w/ her b/f and told her what she told me. She said 'well I don't recall that. I have 50 other people I have to deal with.' I then said well when I asked you, you didn't tell me that there was anything else I needed to do. She then told me I could send her something in writing and it would be ok. Then she proceeded to advise me numerous times that I should read the contract where it says I need to communicate w/ their office of any changes! WTF! I was pg when I applied for the scholarship, pg when I got it, pg when I signed the contract. I asked her about it. Maybe I should have asked more questions, but it really pissed me off that she made me feel like I was being irresponsible.
I got all teary eyed and upset. Mostly b/c I had a crying baby in my arms during the call. Not to mention I'm working on about 2 hrs of sleep. After I hung up I just sobbed. I feel better now, but she still pisses me off. Thanks for letting me vent.
Re: Vent: stupid lady made me cry.
Ugh! i'm so sorry you had to go through that!
I repeatedly run into this problem.
I've learned that its best to get EVERYTHING in writing. Otherwise dumb stuff like this happens.
Dont stress about it. It totally was NOT your fault.
Good luck!