I've been doing container tomatoes on my deck for the past couple of years, and I usually just get whatever seedlings look best at my garden center when I go to buy them, with very little thought for what breed of tomatoes they are. Obviously, this is not the way to get optimum results, so I look to you fine gardeners for advice.
I know that I'm going with either a grape or cherry tomato this year, or maybe both, but I'd also like some larger tomatoes, so I ask you, what kind should I get for the big pots on my deck? They can be full sun or partial, depending on where I put them.
I can't even tell you how much I'm looking forward to eating that first sun-warmed tomato picked off the vine right outside my door. Yummmmmmm. Winter can not go away fast enough.
Re: Best tomatoes for containers?
I'm also interested in the answer. In the past, I've put an heirloom vareity (black krim) in a pot and it hasn't done well. Last year, I planted a better boy that a friend gave me in a large pot and it produced, but not as much as the ones in the raised beds.
My cherry tomatoes produced a ridiculous amount, in raised beds and even in a topsy turvy that I forgot to water half the time. I think I got the sugar snack variety.
I do plants instead of seed if that matters.
Any determinate tomato is supposed to do well in a container. They produce fruit all at once and stay more bush-like, than "vine"-like.