I am never on thebump anymore, and I have been googling this issue, but wanted to see if anyone else has had this problem...
We switched Blake over to cows milk about 3 weeks ago...we transitioned slowly with the formula.
We went from solid poop, to HOLY blowout batman. I mean, bad blowouts...one's I havent seen since he was little...(this has lead to a nasty and wicked diaper rash, which I finally seem to have gotten under control). My other issue is that this is waking him up in the middle of the night because he fills his diaper up so much, and its irritating (can't blame the kid for feeling like that!).
I dont believe this is a dairy allergy. He does fine with cheese products, yogurt, and he did fine on breastmilk and milk based formula.
But, if this is caused by the milk, does his system regulate at one point and get used to it?
Re: Question for Mom's with kids 1yr+
I have heard of this happening when they transition to milk. Milk (not milk products, just milk) has been banned from our house for over 3 years. My kids have never had Cow's milk. When we transitioned from breast milk/formula to milk, we went right for Goat's Milk. Goat's Milk is MUCH easier on their stomach as it's naturally homogenized and is closest to breast milk. They both still drink Goats Milk although Noah LOVES Almond Milk too.
If you're ok with it, try switching to Goat's Milk and see if it helps at all.
For us, yes and no. It has become more solid, but on the days where he has a lot more milk then usual then it's blowout city!
We had a reverse problem with milk and William. His BM's were pretty soft before cows milk and when he had cows milk he was constipated for so long. We actually had to switch Will to 2% and then 1% because it was making him constipated so badly....
Good luck!