Hi folks! I normally post on The Bump, but figured I would pass this along on this Board as well in case folks are interested. Sorry for the weird formatting!
Hi all,
Some of you may not have heard from me in a while. Just to refresh your memory, I write about personal finance for The New York Times, and we've chatted about LGBT money issues in the past. I apologize for the mass email, but I was hoping you could help me with an upcoming story.
We're going to be publishing a special section that does money makeovers for different age groups.
I want be sure to include a gay couple in the mix, which will allow us to shine a light on all the extra work that must be done, and extra money that must be spent, to achieve the same protections as couples with federally-recognized marriages. I will interview the couple in person, and we will pair them with a top-notch financial planning expert with expertise in LGBT issues. It's actually a great opportunity for the couple, since they will be getting free advice.
But I need to find a very specific couple, one that fits a specific demographic profile. I'm looking for a couple in their thirties, maybe early 40s, so that we can juxtapose their situation against a straight couple at a similiar life stage. They should be just starting a family in a state where their marriage is not recognized (though perhaps they married elsewhere).
Maybe they adopted, or recently had a biological child - but they should have at least one child. The couple still needs to get their financial and legal house in order, and could really use some direction in the money department (so naturally, they shouldnt be engaged with another financial planner). Also, I dont want to use anyone who has been profiled in another major media outlet..
The couple also needs to be comfortable disclosing their financial situation in the paper (how much they generally earn, how much they have saved for retirement, debts, etc). And we'd also like to do a radio interview. A radio person may accompany me when I visit this family, though that part is not an absolute requirement. We are partnering with Marketplace...
Again, I think this is a wonderful opportunity for a family who could use the advice. And it would help us showcase the type of advice the family needs, which others could learn and benefit from.
If you have any leads, I'd love to hear about them. I need to find this family by the end of the week.
Thanks so much for your help!
Best regards,
Tara Siegel Bernard
Reporter | The New York Times
620 Eighth Ave., 2nd Floor | New York, NY 10018
212.556.2067 | tara@nytimes.com <mailto:tara@nytimes.com>
Twitter: @tarasbernard
Re: NY Times looking for SS couple