Since there have been some new (and hiding) faces around here, let's all introduce ourselves and maybe wake up the board! I'll start...
1. Who are you ?
Nicole, Pharmacist, Lives in her kitchen, Loves to entertain & craft
2. Where are you?
Recent transplant from Washington (State) to Neenah (Fox Cities)
3. Babies? Pets? Hobbies?
Yes: cooking/baking. scrapbooking. downhill skiing. wine. knitting (occasionally). entertaining.
4. Interested in GTGs? Exchanges? Polls?
Yes. Yes. Yes.
5. Most exciting thing to happen to you recently:
Two: #1 - met a real live Nestie and her DH, super cool people. very exciting. #2 - confirmed that we are celebrating Christmas Eve AND Christmas Day at our house with both of our families: NO DRIVING FOR US!!!!!!!!!!!!
6. Doing anything exciting this weekend?
Going to LaCrosse to watch little brother play college football. Yay!
7. Favorite Boards:
What's Cooking; Entertaining
Re: POLL: Let's ALL Introduce!!
1. Who are you ?
Kathy, mom, wife, disgruntled employee
2. Where are you?
3. Babies? Pets? Hobbies?
Yes, Lucy age 2.
Yes, yellow lab, Reece.
Yes: finding ways to make my house look cleaner than it is!
4. Interested in GTGs? Exchanges? Polls?
Yes. Yes. Yes.
5. Most exciting thing to happen to you recently:
My husband and went on our first vacation together...alone. We visited Nashville, Pigeon Forge, & Gatlinburg, TN. It was lovely.
6. Doing anything exciting this weekend?
Celebrating my birthday. I'm not sure what we are doing, the plans keep changing. Looks like Oktober Fest in Lake Geneva.
7. Favorite Boards:
This is the only one I've been able to keep up with lately.
1. Who are you ?
Catherine, Computer Programmer, amature chef, dog trainer, freelance writer
2. Where are you?
Racine area.
3. Babies? Pets? Hobbies?
Yes - Portuguese Water Dog named Lucky.
Yes - reading, cooking, gardening, wine, stitching (not as much as I'd like)
4. Interested in GTGs? Exchanges? Polls?
What kind?
5. Most exciting thing to happen to you recently:
I published an article for a local website - We also celebrated our 4th anniversary recently.
6. Doing anything exciting this weekend?
Nothing in particular. Possibly breaking down the garden.
7. Favorite Boards:
Pets, What's Cooking, Gardening (though it's slow)
1. Who are you ?

Faith, wife, friend, & a bit tired today.
2. Where are you?
Lovely Madison!
3. Babies? Pets? Hobbies?
Yes. My cat Bailey
Yes: Cooking/baking. Scrapbooking. Ballroom dancing. Bowling. Entertaining.
4. Interested in GTGs? Exchanges? Polls?
Yes. Yes. Yes.
5. Most exciting thing to happen to you recently:
Getting married has been pretty been my excitement. It's nice to get things back to normal though.
6. Doing anything exciting this weekend?
OMG... what am I not doing this weekend. Have DH's uncle's 60th birthday party Friday night, Hair cut Saturday morning, another birthday party Saturday afternoon, bowling league Saturday night, wedding reception on Sunday.
7. Favorite Boards:
What's Cooking; TIP; Family Matters. (What can I say, I like to read the stories & know that my life is not as crazy)
1. Who are you? mspaulak01 ? Paula. Marketing Analyst. Working on getting fit!
2. Where are you? Born and raised in NE Wisconsin; living in Green Bay (would LOVE to move to Mke, though)
3. Babies? Pets? Hobbies? Not interested in having babies for a while. 1 German Shepherd mix (Xena) Hobbies: Working on adding running to my hobby list! TV, movies, food (cooking & eating in or out), big Brewers fan, hate football (in GB, I know that?s a sin!)
4. Interested in GTGs? Exchanges? Polls? I doubt I could make most of the GTGs, but I?ve tried before (Appleton, failed attempt. LOL) Exchanges.. sure? LOL Polls yes.
5. Most exciting thing to happen to you recently: Went to Saturday?s Brewers playoff game and watched them win! One of my best friends from England is coming next week with his fianc?e!
6. Doing anything exciting this weekend? Not this weekend ? work on painting bathroom cabinets and prepping the duplex for company next week!
7. Favorite Boards: I bounce between my Anni board, Health & Fitness, the Milwaukee Knot and the Milwaukee Nest.
1. Who are you ?
Holly, wife, stay-at-home mom, former teacher
2. Where are you?
Mt. Horeb, WI (just south of Madison)
3. Babies? Pets? Hobbies?
Yes...2yrs. old girl named Faith
Yes: baking, scrapbooking, crafting, organizing (yes I'm crazy), any outdoor activity, volunteering for Special Olympics and local school
4. Interested in GTGs? Exchanges? Polls?
Yes. no. Yes.
5. Most exciting thing to happen to you recently:
We moved into our new house!
6. Doing anything exciting this weekend?
painting porch rails, organizing our office/scrapbooking room, and Sunday having friends over
7. Favorite Boards:
Cleaning and organizing
1. Who are you ?
Amanda, Nanny, Wife
2. Where are you?
Hartford just north of Milwaukee
3. Babies? Pets? Hobbies?
Yes: baking, scrapbooking,Brewers , organizing, spending time with my family.
4. Interested in GTGs? Exchanges? Polls?
Yes, Yes, YEs
5. Most exciting thing to happen to you recently:
Finding out my best friend from HS is PG I'm so happy for her
6. Doing anything exciting this weekend?
Going home to my parents, watching my niece, friends Bachlorette party
7. Favorite Boards:
BOTB, My Anni Board, Milwaukee Nest, Money, Health & FItness
1. Who are you ?
Tiffany, sleep-deprived new SAHM, wannabe graphic designer
2. Where are you?
3. Babies? Pets? Hobbies?
4. Interested in GTGs? Exchanges? Polls?
Interested in GTGs
5. Most exciting thing to happen to you recently:
Went Up North and survived our first family trip this past weekend
6. Doing anything exciting this weekend?
We're dropping Hugo off at my parents and going to a wedding on Sat. It's our first night w/out him and I'm nervous and excited!
7. Favorite Boards:
Decorating and Renovating, 0-6 Months
1. Who are you ?
Leah, Occupational Therapist, Lives with her nose in a book, loves to hang out with friends and family
2. Where are you?
3. Babies? Pets? Hobbies?
No babies yet
Yep: 2 cats (Harley and Asti)
Too many to list, but some favorites are yoga, reading, travel, scrapbooking, wine
4. Interested in GTGs? Exchanges? Polls?
sure, maybe (I'm not much of a cook though.) Of course.
5. Most exciting thing to happen to you recently:
I met pharmernicole IRL! She and her DH rock.
Seeing the friends we met while on our honeymoon for the second year in a row a couple weekends ago.
6. Doing anything exciting this weekend?
Spending some time with my mom and working while DH is at a wedding oot.
7. Favorite Boards:
Colorado, Nest Book Club, Wi board, sometimes I lurk on BOTB
1. Who are you ?
Sarah, School Psychologist, wife, favorite auntie, and really tired today....
2. Where are you?
3. Babies? Pets? Hobbies?
Yes! Oscar, my 5 year old Boston Terrier
Yes! reading, running, gardening, sewing, singing, wine
4. Interested in GTGs? Exchanges? Polls?
Yes. Yes. Yes.
5. Most exciting thing to happen to you recently:
I got DH a Wii for his birthday. We've been playing for hours every night!
6. Doing anything exciting this weekend?
My ILs are coming to visit from Connecticut this weekend. Yeah! We're both looking forward to seeing them. I still have to clean the house, but hopefully that will get done tomorrow
7. Favorite Boards:
9 to 5, Money Matters and Eco-Friendly Family1. Who are you?
Becky, student, bride-to-be, wanna be crafty person, skating instructor, bitter server
2. Where are you?
3. Babies? Pets? Hobbies?
Yes. A 7 month old kitten, Marina.
Sports, crafting (or trying), planning my wedding....
4. Interested in GTGs? Exchanges? Polls?
Yes, if you will allow the non-married type
5. Most exciting thing to happen to you recently?
Nothing really
6. Doing anything exciting this weekend?
Working, maybe go out to celebrate our anniversary
7. Favorite Boards
Money Matters
1. Who are you ?
Stephanie, Human Resources, wife, aunt and dog mom
2. Where are you?
Menomonee Falls
3. Babies? Pets? Hobbies?
Yes - to a crazy Border Collie (Kahli)
Yes: Yoga, jogging, reading, baking, shopping, going to the dog park, watching the Packers & Brewers (generally) spending time with family and friends
4. Interested in GTGs? Exchanges? Polls?
Yes. Not sure. Yes.
5. Most exciting thing to happen to you recently:
Nothing too exciting lately . . . getting flowers at work today from my wonderful DH?
6. Doing anything exciting this weekend?
Dog sitting for MIL and catching up on laundry, but going to Lake Geneva for Oktober Fest on Saturday!
7. Favorite Boards:
Money Matters, Pets, TIP when I need to feel better about myself!
1. Who are you ?
Amanda, full time student, part time worker
2. Where are you?
In the Madison area
3. Babies? Pets? Hobbies?
2 goldens and we foster goldens
Yes: cooking, sewing, crafts, riding motorcycle
4. Interested in GTGs? Exchanges? Polls?
Yes. Yes. Yes.
5. Most exciting thing to happen to you recently:
Became a college student 8 years after graduating hs
6. Doing anything exciting this weekend?
Going on a dinner cruise for our friends surprise 40th b-day
7. Favorite Boards:
1. Who are you ?
Mary, Physician Assistant, birthday girl, also tired today
2. Where are you?
Sheboygan. I was an Army brat though
3. Babies? Pets? Hobbies?
Yes. Photography, baking. I am going to learn how to sew.
4. Interested in GTGs? Exchanges? Polls?
IDK. Not sure what this is. Yes.
5. Most exciting thing to happen to you recently:
Got married! 9-27-08
6. Doing anything exciting this weekend?
Catching up on alot of errands. Haircut if I remember to make an appt.
7. Favorite Boards:
Mostly Knot boards still.
1. Who are you ?
Allie, Christian, loves to read, sing and play guitar
2. Where are you?
Just moved to Neenah in February, looking to move to Oshkosh at the end of January.
3. Babies? Pets? Hobbies?
Not yet.
Dog - Bessie May, yellow lab; Cat - no name haha
Yes: cooking, baking, reading, writing, drawing, guitar, singing, crocheting, knitting, quilting
4. Interested in GTGs? Exchanges? Polls?
Yes. Yes. Yes.
5. Most exciting thing to happen to you recently:
My mom is flying in on Christmas day to visit !
6. Doing anything exciting this weekend?
Well - I think we are going to Oshkosh to look more at apartments and rental properties, trying to figure out what we're going to do in January.
7. Favorite Boards:
BOTB1. Who are you ?
Jessica aka Jessie, Special Ed. Teacher, wife, mother, and wishing I could be a stay-at-home mother
2. Where are you?
West Bend area
3. Babies? Pets? Hobbies?
18 month old daughter Isabel (we're still working on #2)
Dog - Laney, black lab mix; 2 Cats-Oscar and Gracie
Hobbies-Reading, spending time with my daughter, going to new restaurants, gardening, traveling
4. Interested in GTGs? Exchanges? Polls?
5. Most exciting thing to happen to you recently:
Dh and I discussed trying for number 2
6. Doing anything exciting this weekend?
No, and seeing as my weeks are filled I don't mind
7. Favorite Boards:
Parenting and Toddlers
1. Who are you ?
Amy, wife, sister, SAHM, former special ed teacher.
2. Where are you?
Wauwatosa, which is just the west side of Milwaukee.
3. Babies? Pets? Hobbies?
Yes. Two beautiful baby girls Isabelle and Sophia.
No pets.
Not a whole lot of time for hobbies but I do alot of photography and I also love to read.
4. Interested in GTGs? Exchanges? Polls?
Yes. Yes. Yes.
5. Most exciting thing to happen to you recently:
My sister just got engaged so I've been back over on the Knot helping her with ideas. I am so excited for them!
6. Doing anything exciting this weekend?
The girls are spending the weekend with my IL's. We are taking a dinner train ride in East Troy on Sat night. My mom thought it would be fun.
7. Favorite Boards:
You will find me most days on the Parenting board.Good Poll for our dead board!
1. Who are you ?
Tina, Engineer and Mom that needs to sleep, oh yeah, a wife too.
2. Where are you?
3. Babies? Pets? Hobbies?
Yes, 4.5 month Caleb
Yes, 4.5 yr yellow Lab Daisy
Washing bottles, changing diapers, rocking. My former hobbies were cooking, baking, reading, gardening....not so much anymore!
4. Interested in GTGs? Exchanges? Polls?
Yes. Yes. Yes.
5. Most exciting thing to happen to you recently:
Not so much. DS giggles so hard he gets the hiccups and that is the entertainment in our house! We went out to dinner for our anniversary. We went out for ice cream for my b-day.
6. Doing anything exciting this weekend?
Buying a new car seat, is that exciting? Cleaning, maybe pumpkin picking.
7. Favorite Boards:
0-6 month, Working Moms, EcoFriendly.....I like, but don't really have time for anymore, What's Cooking and Gardening.
Since there have been some new (and hiding) faces around here, let's all introduce ourselves and maybe wake up the board! I'll start...
1. Who are you ?
Gina, Worker Bee, Business Owner, Candle Lady
2. Where are you?
3. Babies? Pets? Hobbies?
Soon let's hope.
Yes: I love entertaining, cooking and watching Reality TV.
4. Interested in GTGs? Exchanges? Polls?
Yes. Yes. Yes.
5. Most exciting thing to happen to you recently:
I accepted a new FT position at UWM - YAY ME
6. Doing anything exciting this weekend?
I have two candle parties and I am going to a friend's baby shower.
7. Favorite Boards:
Lurking on Money Matters, E081. Who are you ?
Amanda, mom and former teacher, grad student doing school counseling internship
2. Where are you?
3. Babies? Pets? Hobbies?
Yes, Sophia Claire, 3 months old
Yes, Cooper, sassy Golden Retriever
Yes, love cooking, reading, walking, but don't have much extra time right now!
4. Interested in GTGs? Exchanges? Polls?
Yes. Yes. Yes.
5. Most exciting thing to happen to you recently:
Found out I might be able to get paid while doing my internship....YAY dinero!
6. Doing anything exciting this weekend?
Nope. Updating resume and cleaning my house.
7. Favorite Boards:
this one and 0-61. Gina, bank teller (trying to find a part time job now with two kiddos
2. Edgerton
3. Trey and Silas, Cosmo my black lab, scrapbooking and gardening
4. Sure
5. having a baby
7. going to a halloween party on Sun afternoon and to get pumpkins
8. decorating and 0-6months
1. Who are you ?
Jodie, tired, stay at home mom, former teacher
2. Where are you?
I live in the country, about 20 miles east of Appleton
3. Babies? Pets? Hobbies?
Yes, Cora, 5 months
1 Cat, Callie
baking, scrapbooking, sewing, crafts, I dont have much time for this stuff right now
4. Interested in GTGs? Exchanges? Polls?
Yes. Maybe. Yes.
5. Most exciting thing to happen to you recently:
I made a surprise visit to my parents last weekend. My mom had no idea and boy was she surprised!!
6. Doing anything exciting this weekend?
Nothing too exciting, our church is having a Chili Fest on Sunday, will probably go to that.
7. Favorite Boards:
0-6 months, Eco-Friendly Family, and of course the WI board
1. Who are you ?
Abbey, wife, new Mom, exhausted mutual fund accountant
2. Where are you?
3. Babies? Pets? Hobbies?
Yes, Eli is 2 months
Yes, Kiwi is a 5 year Golden. Zoey is a 4 year old mutt.
Yes, scrapbooking and sewing. No time with a newborn though.
4. Interested in GTGs? Exchanges? Polls?
Yes. Yes. Yes.
5. Most exciting thing to happen to you recently:
Not so exciting but I went back to work last week after being off for 3 months. Good time to go back to work at a mutual fund, hey?
6. Doing anything exciting this weekend?
We are taking Eli to get a pumpkin. I might try to get some extra sleep. That is exciting as I get.
7. Favorite Boards:
SAIF, this, and 0-6
1. Who are you ?
Stretch, works in Marketing for a company you'd all know.
2. Where are you?
Just moved to Madison from Indianapolis
3. Babies? Pets? Hobbies?
Two Golden Retrievers.
Hobbies - fixing up my house, dreaming about a new kitchen
4. Interested in GTGs? Exchanges? Polls?
Maybe GTGs, exchanges
Polls, definitely
5. Most exciting thing to happen to you recently:
Nothing! :-(
Work has been really stressful recently and overshadowing everything else!
6. Doing anything exciting this weekend?
Might be getting together with some friends from grad school. MIL is in town though
7. Favorite Boards:
Money Matters
TTC since Oct '09
BFP 1/1/10
Missed miscarriage 3/24/10 @ 16 wks, Partial Molar Pregnancy
Began our IF journey in May '11
Asherman's Diagnosis (cervical & uterine scarring) - Surgery 8/17/11
IUIs #1-#5 & 1 canceled cycle, all BFNs
IVF #1, June 2012 - No ET. Froze 6 embryos due to lining issues.
FET Cycle #1 July, transferred 2 embryos BFN
FET Cycle #2 August, transferred 2 embryos BFN
Break due to DH surgery, relocation to Seattle
IVF# 2 December. BFP 1/12!
Since there have been some new (and hiding) faces around here, let's all introduce ourselves and maybe wake up the board! I'll start...
1. Who are you ?
Amy, 29 assistant teller supervisor at a bank, part time student at UW Parkside
2. Where are you?
3. Babies? Pets? Hobbies?
Hunter - 2.5 yrs old
Ollie, Buzz and a new kitten coming this weekend (all cats)
Who has times for hobbies between working 40hrs, going to school 2 nights a week and chasing a 2 year old around?
4. Interested in GTGs? Exchanges? Polls?
Yes. Yes. Yes.
5. Most exciting thing to happen to you recently:
Went to game 4 of the Brewers/Phillies series (Too bad they lost)
and got a promotion
6. Doing anything exciting this weekend?
DH is gone on his annual fishing trip and I am off for the first Saturday in 4 weeks. I think we are going to the pumpkin farm.
7. Favorite Boards:
1. Nicole, full-time student and I'm done in May, part time manager, 22, married
2. La Crosse until about January, then Chicago on my own
3. No kids yet. Lucky (3) and Peanut (1), they're our cats. Reading, swimming, listening to music.
4. Kind of. Not at that stage yet. Yes, I like polls.
5. I was unofficially offered the internship I applied for in Chicago, I just have to wait until the Background check and drug screen come back, and then it will be official.
6. Nope, I have to work and study/do homework.
7. Travel/Honeymoon boards
1. Who are you ?
Theresa, Quality Monitor, working from home today
2. Where are you?
3. Babies? Pets? Hobbies?
2 cats Benson and Mango
Reading, organizing, cheering for the Brewers, Colts, and IU basketball and by marriage the Patriots, Red Sox and Celtics.
4. Interested in GTGs? Exchanges? Polls?
Yes. Yes. Yes.
5. Most exciting thing to happen to you recently:
Went to the last Brewers/Cubs game..awesome game. Went to game 3 of the Brewers/ game. We just made plans to go to Florida in February...yeah!!!
6. Doing anything exciting this weekend?
Not to much, after a packed full summer we are enjoying our lazy weekends! Have a b-day party tomorrow for a co-worker.
7. Favorite Boards:
E08, Decorating and Renovating, IN, FL, and WI boards.
Since there have been some new (and hiding) faces around here, let's all introduce ourselves and maybe wake up the board! I'll start...
1. Who are you ?
Melissa, soon to be unemployed office manager, looking to get into either Trek or American Family Insurance.
2. Where are you?
Deerfield, WI.
3. Babies? Pets? Hobbies?
yes a son Jackson, soon to be 2 and a half and a daughter, Ava, soon to be 3 weeks.
Yes. A bratty Rottweiler named Jordyn and a super hyper yellow lab named Vince.
Yes: sports, sporting events, reading.
4. Interested in GTGs? Exchanges? Polls?
Yes. Yes. Yes.
5. Most exciting thing to happen to you recently:
Had a baby girl.
6. Doing anything exciting this weekend?
Applying for more jobs.
7. Favorite Boards:
What's Cooking, Babies 0-6
1. Kelly, wife, mother, paralegal, loves to read, debate politics and watch classic movies.
2. Milwaukee for my entire life.
3. One Toddler, Shannon who just turned two and one baby on the way. One dog named Riggins. I do love reading, I knit sometimes and I enjoy cooking and would love to throw dinner parties but the whole cleaning aspect prevents that from happening too often.
4. Sure.
5. Getting pregnant with our second child after a year and a half long struggle.
6. Dinner at the Mason Street Grille and spending the night at the Hotel Metro.
7. I check out Success after Infertility and the 2nd Trimester boards daily.
Secondary infertility success with IVF, then two losses, one at 14 weeks and one at 10 weeks, then success with IUI and then success with condoms! Who would ever have guessed.
This Cluttered Life
Since there have been some new (and hiding) faces around here, let's all introduce ourselves and maybe wake up the board! I'll start...
1. Who are you ?
Renee, mostly a lurker on this board but in real life a wife and teacher
2. Where are you?
3. Babies? Pets? Hobbies?
I wish!
1 chocolate lab named Remington
Yes, cooking, baking, stamping, sports.
4. Interested in GTGs? Exchanges? Polls?
Yes. Yes. Yes.
5. Most exciting thing to happen to you recently:
I became an aunt once again this week, my husband got promoted at his job.
6. Doing anything exciting this weekend?
Nothing at all, and loving it!
7. Favorite Boards:
TTTC, TTC 6 + months
Angela, Field Clinical Engineer, Mom...
2. Where are you?
Waukesha area
3. Babies? Pets? Hobbies?
One DD who is almost 2 1/2.
Two budgies, three cockatiels, one amazon.
At one point yes.
Reading, scrapbooking/photobooking.
4. Interested in GTGs? Exchanges? Polls?
5. Most exciting thing to happen to you recently:
I saw my sister's friend play his first gig. He's trying to raise money to put together a CD.
6. Doing anything exciting this weekend?
Great America on Saturday. Sunday we're going to Chicago to watch a friend in the marathon.
7. Favorite Boards:
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13 (repeat c/s)