Alabama Nesties
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IHO all the new faces around here...
1. Describe your perfect Saturday.
2. Favorite restaurants?
3. Do you like your current job? What is your dream job?
4. Favorite desserts?
5. What celebrity personality do you most identify with?
6. Who do you look up to and why?
Re: A Wednesday POLL :P
IHO all the new faces around here...
1. Describe your perfect Saturday. Chilling in front of the TV watching football with DH, going out and doing some shopping and lunch at a great restaurant, and if I'm in the mood, cleaning
2. Favorite restaurants? Logan's, Habaneros, and any seafood restaurant
3. Do you like your current job? not particulary What is your dream job? Either a photographer or a wedding caterer
4. Favorite desserts? I can't pick just one!
5. What celebrity personality do you most identify with? Hmmm...This is something I've never given any thought. Drew Barrymore I guess? I don't know.
6. Who do you look up to and why? My mom. Because she has gone through some similar hardships that I'm going through now and has really overcome them.
i shall be quick because i have to run
1. Describe your perfect Saturday. sleeping till at least 10....drinking at least 2 giant cups of coffee on the patio enjoying some fresh muffins with dh....spending the afternoon shopping around town, maybe getting a few things, maybe a movie, definitely dinner somewhere, and then relaxing at the hizzy...
2. Favorite restaurants? villa fiesta (my fav mexican up here), mexican connection (my fav in dothan), melting pot....and others that i can't think of right now... LOL
3. Do you like your current job? What is your dream job? i would much rather find something fun and entertaining that couples creativity and the ability to have more positive social interactions with people
4. Favorite desserts? tiramisu
5. What celebrity personality do you most identify with? probably someone like Cameron Diaz or Drew Barrymore....someone fun and laid back
6. Who do you look up to and why? my mom....there will never be anyone else like her in my life.... she is amazing...
1. Describe your perfect Saturday.
Watching football with my DH, going shopping, dinner and a movie, pretty much anything that lets me and DH spend time together because that is our least busiest day
2. Favorite restaurants?
Rosies, Chili's, Macaroni Grille, Carabba's, and a lot others lol.
3. Do you like your current job? What is your dream job?
Yes I do like being a teacher, but I think that I want to get my EdS in reading so I can become a reading coach.
4. Favorite desserts?
I guess brownies..I'm not a huge sweets person
5. What celebrity personality do you most identify with?
Reese Witherspoon...I really enjoy her work, and the fact that she's from the South
She seems pretty put together.
6. Who do you look up to and why?
I really look up to both of my parents. I just really appreciate all they do for their family.
1. Describe your perfect Saturday. Spending the day at my mother's house with my entire family
Simple, I know, but those days make the best memories!
2. Favorite restaurants? P.F. Chang's, Mimi's Cafe, Buenavista (in Scottsboro)
3. Do you like your current job? Yes What is your dream job? Stay at home Mom!
4. Favorite desserts? Anything my mother/grandmother makes, apple dumplings, Cheesecake (esp. from Cheesecake Factory), most anything chocolate
5. What celebrity personality do you most identify with? I'd like to think Julia Roberts, she's my favorite
6. Who do you look up to and why? My mother, she has overcome many obstacles in her life, and is still the rock of our family with a strong faith in God...I can only hope to be half the mother she is
Cliche, maybe, but true!
1. Describe your perfect Saturday. Wake up early and have some coffee on the porch. Go for brunch and have mimosas. Go shopping or hang around the house. Go to a nice dinner with DH.
2. Favorite restaurants? I like Leonardo's in Birmingham as well as Petrucelli's. For chains, I like PF Changs, Brio, and California Pizza Kitchen!
3. Do you like your current job? What is your dream job? Yes, just because it's a family business. My dream job? I'm trying to figure that out so I can start doing it. This is technically a dream job because I do have the freedom to do my own thing.
4. Favorite desserts? Bread pudding, anything chocolate...but not chocolate bread pudding (unless it's white chocolate!)
5. What celebrity personality do you most identify with? I would say more of a "Charlotte" personality from SATC, I suppose... but with a much more eclectic wardrobe.
6. Who do you look up to and why? My mother - she is extremely kind and giving, but underneath she is a very strong and determined person.
Great Poll!!!
1. Describe your perfect Saturday. Sleeping late, watching football, some shopping, having lunch somewhere, then spending the evening at home.
2. Favorite restaurants? carrabas, Melting Pot, Chili's, PF Changs, I'm sure there's more.
3. Do you like your current job? What is your dream job? Yes, my dream job, would be a veterinarian, or a photographer for some magazine like National Geographic, Time etc.
4. Favorite desserts? Cheesecake, Creme Brulee
5. What celebrity personality do you most identify with? hmmm, haven't really thought about this one, maybe Reese Witherspoon.
6. Who do you look up to and why? My mom, she's overcome so many obstacles and remains strong and optimistic through everything.
1. Well I have two. Either spending the day with DH doing something like shopping or just driving around town. Or, doing absolutely nothing at all. In fact, never getting uot of my pj's!
2. I love Italian. Anything Italian.
3. Not really. I just get bored really quickly. I would love to be writer but unfortunately I dont think I have the ambition for it.
4. Anything chocolate. I love me some ice cream too.
5. I love Christina Agulaira (sp?). I think she's got that biotch attitude but she's still really sweet and girly.
6. I look up to different people for different things. My mom, for never giving up even though I know at times she wanted to. My dad, for sticking by my moms side through everything. He never once left her nor did he ever complain about having to take care of her. My DH, for not letting me give up when I want to. I look at him and realize that I need to suck it up sometimes and just deal with it. My mom is my hero.
IHO all the new faces around here...
1. Describe your perfect Saturday. Being with my husband at home with no chores to be done!
2. Favorite restaurants? I love Rigatoni's in Florence, We both love Casa Blanca Mexican Rest., Logan's
3. Do you like your current job? What is your dream job? I hate my job right now but I am happy I have one. Eventually when we have kids a stay at home mom.
4. Favorite desserts? Choc Ice Cream
5. What celebrity personality do you most identify with? Crap, I don't really know
6. Who do you look up to and why? My mom, she was a single mom from the time I was small. She met my dad(step) when I was 8. She did so much for me and my brother. She never let us go without.
Lauren(80), you definately need to be working in some form of retail. Maybe as a buyer of a gift boutique? You definately have to be creative AND a people person!
1. Describe your perfect Saturday. Getting up around 9 to go get breakfast with dh, playing wii all afternoon until the bama game comes on, then going to one of our couple friends' houses to watch the game.
2. Favorite restaurants? Red Robin, Melting Pot, Pablo's, Petrucelli's, Ming's, Ginza, Dale's Southern Cooking, Bonedaddy's (RIP). I like a little bit of everything!
3. Do you like your current job? What is your dream job? I love my current job. I go through phases where I come down with a mild case of compassion fatigue, then I take some extra time to take care of myself and I feel better and love my job again
. However, there isn't room for growth in my position now until I graduate from college. My dream job is to be an ASL I/T at a church, assisting with counseling and I/T-ing worship services. Since that can't be a full time job, I'd also like to be an inclusion teacher. I also want to illustrate children's books.
4. Favorite desserts? Cheesecake! Deep dish double crusted pple pie with a slice of sharp cheddar on top... OMG.
5. What celebrity personality do you most identify with? Well, as an INFJ, supposedly I share personality types with Jimmy Carter, Eleanor Roosevelt, Mahatma Ghandi, and Mother Theresa. In terms of who I identify most with would be Anne Hathaway or Natalie Portman because they're tall brunettes and they seem be soul searchers and very artistic... They also both seem to have a strong sense of self and know what they believe and why, and I can definately identify with that.
6. Who do you look up to and why? Mother Theresa, because I don't think anyone in our current history could be so filled with love and compassion. On the home front, my mom. She's been through a lot and kept her chin up anyway, and I hope to be as resillient as she is.
1. Describe your perfect Saturday. Right now? Sleeping late, and then spending the day either watching football, or going to Auburn for a game.
2. Favorite restaurants? Jim N Nick's BBQ, some little Italian place in Homewood that I never remember the name of, and Habaneros.
3. Do you like your current job? What is your dream job? I love being a student, I don't like the salary! I'm really loving what I'm doing, and I would consider it to be my dream job.
4. Favorite desserts? German chocolate cake, ice cream
5. What celebrity personality do you most identify with? I honestly have no idea.
6. Who do you look up to and why? My mom. She taught me to be the strong, independant woman that I am.
This is a fabulous poll!!!!!!
1. Describe your perfect Saturday. I have two perfect Saturdays. The first would be sleeping till 10 getting up and going to the lake or the beach all day and just being in the sun with DH and family and/or friends, then grilling out and sitting out on the patio talking into all hours of the morning. The second would be going to brunch with DH and then furniture shopping followed by taking our dog for a walk and then DH cooking his fried rice for dinner and cuddling up ont he couch watching a movie
2. Favorite restaurants? Carrabas, Tipico de Mexico, applebees, tzakitis, brio's, outback....i actually don't know of a restaraunt that I don't like
3. Do you like your current job? What is your dream job? I love my current job as a nurse. However if I could do anything in the world I would love to be a marine biologist and study sharks. I love sharks!!! i really want to go to South Africa and get in the cage with the great whites! But I don't think I could stand to travel that much. I like to be at home
4. Favorite desserts? mint chocolate chip ice cream, ice cream, creme brulee, apple pie, and my grandmother's red velvet cake and apple pie
5. What celebrity personality do you most identify with? I think I identify with Kelly Ripa. She is very outgoing and funny and always juggling a million different things. I also like that she is a family lady!
6. Who do you look up to and why? that I know personally: my parents for staying together and loving each other through thick and thin, my sister for just having the drive that she does to succeed at everything. I also really admire Ronald Reagan (RIP), Mother Theresa, and Maya Angelou
1. Describe your perfect Saturday.sleeping in with DH, going to get lunch somewhere fun and going to a football game
2. Favorite restaurants? Neighbors (a local Italian place back home), Chipotle, LaCasita (a local Mexican place back home)
3. Do you like your current job? What is your dream job? I do like my current job, I just wish it would turn into something permanent! My dream job would be to do PR or a pro sports team or to be a wedding planner.
4. Favorite desserts? chocolate spoon cake
5. What celebrity personality do you most identify with? idea!
6. Who do you look up to and why? My mother. She was a strong, intelligent, caring woman who always put everyone first and was the best mom anyone could have ever imagined. Even when she was sick as could be, she never complained and always cared about everyone else.
TI, IUIs, IVF = c/ps and BFNs
1. Describe your perfect Saturday. Sleeping late and having a cup of coffee on the porch with my husband. Taking a romantic walk on the beach with my husband or having lunch with my friends. Going out to eat with my husband for dinner.
2. Favorite restaurants? I like Louisiana Grill, Trey Yuen, and Tin Top Restaurant and Oyster Bar.
3. Do you like your current job? What is your dream job? No because I would like to be able to teach full-time. My dream job? I would love to open a coffee shop and work at my husband's restaurant that he plans on opening one day.
4. Favorite desserts? Cheesecake and Creme Brulee.
5. What celebrity personality do you most identify with? I would say Jennifer Aniston. I'm classy and a very strong person.
6. Who do you look up to and why? My aunt and grandmother - they are always going out of there way to help others and are very devoted to their families.