ok, I need to do one.
So first of all....My co-worker just told me that boss' day is on the 16th!??!!? (see clearly I know nothing about this) and she wants to do something for our manager. Our manager who we complain about and is not a good manager. Mind you, he's a nice person, but not a good manager and doesn't even want to be in his role. So being the nice person I am, I agreed. My previous manager here, it was just she and I and she works from home in MO and again I am not on top of Hallmark's holidays........ at an old job my boss thought it was silly (he's from AL) and we just all used it as an excuse to go to lunch. lol
Secondly, today I had to bring food and money for our Sr Dir (who obviously gets paid well - he goes on lavish vacas, etc.) whom the dept (not my team) is throwing a surprise shower for - it's his 4th marriage. Are you kidding me!??!!? What could he need? I am happy to do this for her b/c its her first. But still........ oh and did I mention they are a result of an affair?
oh and my IL's (who I do love) come into town tomorrow - it will be a whirlwind w/the game and all.
Ok, sorry so long, had to get that out.
I feel better now - HA HA.
Re: Flamefree confessions......
LOL aubie, I'm sorry about all that. Really - I think boss's day is dumb unless your boss is freaking fantastic!
I am thinking of some confessions now, I'm sure I have some...
yeah, now I'm supposed to do a report of what I'm doing (shouldn't my boss know this?!!?!? duh) but he has to have control of EVERYTHING, so if he assigns you something, chances are you won't keep that project or part of it. So what do you want me to report - manager stays abreast of all tasks.....
Katie I totally feel ya on not remembering all of Hallmarks holiday's
Okay mine takes a little different vibe. Yesterday we found out that an old high school buddy of my DH's is expecting a baby with is girlfriend. This guy is like the least responsible human being I know in real life. He is 23, wanna guess how old the girlfriend is? 16!! Not even out of HS! This was not happy news for me, since we are in the trying boat with no sucess yet. I'm starting to think the number one way to get pregnant is for it to be an oopsie baby. This was the second friend of his in the last three months to have this happen. (At least the other one of his friends has a girlfriend that is out of HS).
Ugh okay feel better for getting that off my chest!
I took two 6 week old puppies from a freaking family at WalMart last night and was decent about it...when I really wanted to rip them a new one for allowing their dogs to breed and then giving the puppies away to God knows who in a blasted parking lot.
And to the lady who suggested I go in and buy Purina Puppy Chow because "it's the best thing you can feed a puppy", I feel sorry for you. But more than that I feel sorry for the puppy that you took home. It's. CRAP. Read the ingredients for the love of GOD!!
Okay....I feel better now. Anyone want a female Lab pup? We have two available for adoption - Laveren & Shirley - but you can bet I'm going to be more discriminate than the people I got them from.
Candi - ugh I hate that for you and I hear ya. We aren't TTC yet, but my friends are all either done having kids or on their last one. I haven't even started yet!!!
And couldn't your friend get in HUGE trouble w/her only being 16?!?!?! I hope this turns out ok for everyone, but esp the baby.
KKH - OMG, you are a Godsend. I FULLY believe in getting a puppy from the pound/adoption/humane society, etc. Breeding, uh there are TOO many animals that need homes and its ridiculous. But I digress.
I SO wish I could have a lab pup, I LOVE them, but we aren't home enough and I would think of that little cute pup all the time....... I hope you find them homes!!!
oh my!! I wouldn't know how to respond either.
I didn't realize the legal age in AL is 16, I guess I just assumed it was 18!!!
I want a dog so bad, but we are never home, and it would be so unfair to a dog right now.
Flame free? Some of my friends are total freaking idiots. I'm trying to break up with one because she's ALL about the drama, and I don't have the energy or patience to deal with it. I'm sick of listening to my other friend moan and groan about moving to NoLa and how his wife is so miserable about it - so to make it up to her, they're going to buy a nicer house than they can probably afford.
I would bang my head on the desk about all of this, but I'd probably have a concussion by now.
And I also think Boss's Day is stupid.
Katie- I totally know how you feel about boss' day. I am in the same boat at work. Only they want me to make a grasshopper cake from scratch for the lunch they are throwing our manager. But I have to work the day before, not to mention it takes a long time to make this cake. And I think the whole holiday is crap. I mean I don't remember my boss ever making me a cake!!! It drives me crazy!!! But I will probably end up caving and make the stupid cake.
Candy- That is horrible!!! My parents would have flipped out!!!!!!
Lauren you are SO right, the nest is GREAT therapy - heck why would anyone pay my mom as a therapist? did I say that out loud!?!?! ha.
Jaime - ugh, that's not right. But it must be a good cake!!! I hope it doesn't exhaust you......
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks like this (boss' day)
yeah, I would bang my head too about that.....
Yes, the nest is great therapy.
My confession: I cried in my car in the parking lot at work this morning. It's mostly family stuff.
But even though I'm 27, my DH is turning 30 this month, we've been married for a couple years, own our own house, both have college degrees, master degrees, been to europe, worked for about 4-5 years in our careers, etc..... that somehow I'm still too young to have a baby.
One relative (who didn't have their first child until 42) asked me.. "Are you sure you are ready to be a mom?"
I wanted to answer back... "I don't think anyone is ever fully ready, but you get ready. And yes, I've accomplished everything I wanted to do before having kids."
Another uncle has yet to call or respond back to the news to congratulate us. My grandparents said that he and his wife know, but that we shouldn't expect to hear from them.
I just don't understand. I mean, they are FAMILY!
ok. vent over!
Well, when my parents got married my mom was 16 and my dad was 23. My grandparents weren't too thrilled about it, especially not my grandfather. But I know if I were to date a 23 year old at 16 I'm pretty sure my dad would've had a fit.
We don't acknowledge Boss's day around here. I happened to look on the calander that is hanging above our fax machine and I noticed that was coming up. I agree it's stupid.
While we're on the same lines of Hallmark holidays, why don't grandparents' day get any recognition? I don't ever realize when it came around but I do know that we just had one a few months ago. All of my grandparents are deceased but James's grandparents I sort of adopted as my own. But the point I'm trying to make is that grandparents are just as important as parents IMO, so if we celebrate Mothers' day and Fathers' day every year, then why don't we celebrate Grandparent's day?
OK confession. I don't care what route James takes with the Army, be it active, guard, reserve, what have you. As long as he's in and happy I don't care. But I REALLY, REALLY hope he goes active because it gives a chance to see places I wouldn't ordinarily see, and frankly, I just want to get out of Alabama. I'm just tired of the same scenery and I want to start off with a clean slate somewhere else.
And I agree, this board is great therapy. You guys have helped me through many trails and tribulations.
Sorry about the novel...
AWWWHHH Lydia, only YOU and your DH know when you're ready. I'm SO excited for yall and its what you want - I know that you'll be an awesome mom. Just be happy w/you and the family that is to come.
Wendy - yeah, I don't know about all those other "hallmark inspired days".....but I hear ya!!! and I hope that things work out the way you want them to, I'll be thinking about ya!!!
Wendy I totally know it depends on the situation. It's just that I know this guy is irresponsible and always has been. I hope that I didn't offend you, I didn't mean it like all of that kind of situation was like this one.
One thing I think though is that people used to be a lot more mature at 16. 16 year olds today don't seem to be as mature as well even when most of us were 16. You know there are the exceptions but still.
Lydia that stinks. Only you and DH know when you are ready. Sounds like you have accomplished a ton in your 27 years and it's exciting that you are getting to experience this next step. You'll make a great momma
Confession: At Homecoming this year for my university i am going to my Dance team(band) reunion, communications dept reunion, DH's marketing dept. reunion and the game. Also, we are going to see pregame with the current band. Sticky part here: i have a disabled friend who wants to ride with us to the game and our comm reunion. which wouldn't be a big deal but my ballerina stuff starts at 9:00 am so DH told his mother that we would come up on friday evening and spend the night with her and then i could go do my thing. I feel so bad telling my friend "no" but i can't figure out how it would all work. The reunion that my friend and i are going to starts at 11 so i have no idea what she would do even if we left early on Sat. morning. Also, my friend who just had the baby wants me to cordinate with her too for our band reunion! So i'm stressing about going and having to reply to my friend's message who is asking for a ride and has no other way to get there HELP!!!
Also, we cancelled plans with MIL last weekend so now she really wants us to come stay.
Oh you didn't offend me at all! I was just pointing out the similarites. When my parents got married it was in the early 60's, and I think that was pretty common to get married at that age because I know other couples that got married at the same time at the same age. Not that it made it right because, as I mentioned, my grandfather was livid when he found out how old my dad was.
I will say that just because my parents did that doesn't mean that I think it's right, because at 16 your still a kid (even my mom admits to it) and like you mentioned still in high school and 16 and 23 is a HUGE age gap. But yes I agree 16 year olds aren't as mature as they used to be.
ok....i have thought of one...
i am terrified of the upcoming election...and feel that i have no idea who to vote for, not because i don't know how i feel about "the issues", but i have no idea how to feel about either of these candidates and their running mates....
i feel sad for the usa, and for american people in general right now....i feel like i see hopelesness on the face of every person i see everyday....and that is starting to terrify me....
i am sick of the media....
annnnd.....i probably have more along the same stream of thought, but i am tired of thinking about things right now....so.... LOL....
off to eat my leftover middle eastern food... YES!