Hi there! I moved into my apartment last August, and this is my first place with a nice patio/yard area. I've planted a few herbs, veggies & flowers (all in containers) and everything is growing like crazy. I've also got a couple of chairs & a nice outdoor coffee table, and having all these things on my patio makes me want to spend more time outside, especially since Spring is coming!
My only problem is the "yard" section of my patio. It's about 8.5x7.5 ft., and it's nothing but dry, compacted, sandy dirt that I have given up on growing anything in. My husband & I have tried several times, and even grass won't grow! About half of the area gets a few hours of sun every day, but the rest is shaded by a surrounding wooden fence. I'm thinking about maybe transforming this space into a seating area with my chairs & coffee table, but I can't just stick furniture in the dirt,...so I just don't know what to do. This area is large enough to be useful, but I can't figure out how to take it from ugly barren dirt to a cool place to hang out. Any ideas??
I am open to anything, but my only limitation is the budget. Since this is a rental, I can't invest a lot of money in this. I am willing to put time/effort/work into it though.
Re: Help! Barren back yard, need ideas!
For a cheap and relatively easy patio I'd using decomposed granite (or even fine gravel with fill). It will take some time and effort to make but is the cheapest option that I can think of. Here's a how to from a fellow Texan:
If you're feeling really ambitious you could build a raised flower bed where you can put in some nice new soil. Or you could get some pots to plant things in which you'd be able to take with you when you move.