I got called for a phone interview. Lady was nice about being flexible with scheduling, since her original time suggestion was a no-go with my schedule.
She never called at her designated time. I called her when she was 15 minutes late, only to get her voice mail. I left a message. We rescheduled for Friday when she called me back several hours later.
Her excuse... things go mixed up in Outlook. Hmpf. I had to rearrange my day for nothing, so thanks. I've heard that the HR people at this place aren't exactly "with it," but I am hoping it's not as bad as I've heard. Now I'm wondering.
But hoping for good vibes!
Re: job search vent
The job would be a 30% pay increase and the benefits are better than what I get now. I would not have to directly deal with HR everyday, so I could deal with them in spurts. I don't think there is a perfect HR anywhere, having some crappy experiences with past employers.
Compromise. That's the trade-off.