Baby is looking nice and healthy. All body parts and insides are present and in working order.
We found out we're having another little girl! I'm over-the-moon excited about this. She and DD1 will be 23 months apart. Of course, I would have been happy with a boy, but the more I think about it, the more I'm looking forward to the possibility of them growing up as best friends. Maybe I'm just dreaming.
DH is happy but dreading his life in about 10-12 years when we have not one, but two teen/preteen girls at the same time. While I think they're going to be the best of friends, he fears they will be the exact opposite and that drama will fill our lives. We'll see, right?
SS was bummed (he's 9). He really wanted a boy, but he's got this amazing ability to look on the bright side of everything. He told us, "I'll get to have brothers when my sisters get married." I love that kid.
Side note - SS went with us to the ultrasound. He had been excited about it for weeks. He told the woman at Motherhood Maternity that he was excited to go see his first c-section. Before she had a heart attack, I reminded him it was called an ultrasound and reminded him of what a c-section was. Yeah, he didn't want to see that.
Re: We had our ultrasound on Monday
That is so sweet that SS is looking forward to brothers (albeit in 20+ years!).
I had a brother, but would have loved a sister to bond with. Yes your DH may not like all the hormones, but they will grow out of it, and teenage boys have their issues too.
Can't believe time is flying for you!