I was recently accepted to attend CalArts for an MFA in Composition - and I intend to go there for at least two years. CalArts (California Institute of the Arts) is located in Valencia in the Santa Clarita Valley. I've never moved in my life - even while getting my undergraduate, I lived at home with my family. I'll be transplanting from DeLand, FL, which is located near Daytona Beach, FL. I also have a husband who will going to CalArts as well.
Is it convenient enough to get around the Santa Clarita area without a car? Should I consider selling it to offset LA area rent, gas prices, and car insurance? Central Florida has minimal transportation, and it's always been more convenient to drive, so I drive ALL THE TIME, but I know I can adjust. My husband and I also have bicycles.
Also, how expensive are LA groceries in comparison to the rest of the country?
I've found an apartment for $950 a month - 1 bed/1 bath and about 700 square feet, includes washer and dryer, water and trash. Is this a reasonable price? It's within four miles of the CalArts campus. Keep in mind that I'm used to $525 a month for rent in central FL.
I've heard that most folks keep the windows open most of the year in LA - is this true for the most part?
Does anyone know of a church in the area that needs an experienced choir director/ accompanist/ contemporary worship leader/ singer? I'll need a job right away.
If anyone lives or has lived in Santa Clarita and would like to offer advice not pertaining to either of these things, I would surely appreciate it.
Re: Moving to Santa Clarita - car, living, and saving money
Congratulations on getting into CalArts! How exciting moving out here!! I have lived in Southern California all my life, and first and foremost DO NOT SELL YOUR CAR!!!! Congrats on finding a great price on rent!!! SCV is a LOT less expensive than Los Angeles, I'm sorry that you're used to a lot less rent!
Also, it's not true about leaving our windows open all year round, that's only true for places closer to the beach.
I've lived in SCV (Santa Clarita Valley) for almost a year, so if you need more information, send me an email laura.johnston@ymail.com. I don't normally check these boards, I just sign on for the recipes and organizing tips!!
DO NOT SELL YOUR CAR. You will absolutely need your car. Our public transportation system is generally awful, and if you ever want to leave Valencia, you will require a car. Even the 4 miles from home to campus could be awful if you aren't directly on a bus line.
That rent sounds great. I am paying a little more than than for less space and fewer ammenities, but granted, in a more in demand place. I wish I could ever pay $525 for a place that wasn't an actual crack den
I love hearing what people think LA will be like No, you will likely not leave your windows open year round, not in the valley, sort of at the beach. It has been a really cold winter here so far, and in the summer, the valley can be oppressively hot. You should have AC or ceiling fans or something in your unit. I have never thought about our groceries being more expensive, so I can't be a good judge. They are basically the same price as northern California, if that means anything to you (LA doesn't have our own food commission or something). There are also a lot of farmers markets and places to get really good deals on fresh produce.
Congrats on Getting into CalArts. My boyfriend lives right behind the campus and it's beautiful. He's lived here for 8 years and I've been here for 6 months, but I've always had family out here. You will absolutely love it! The transportation system out here is great but KEEP your car!! As for the job part, my grandparents are both pastors out here and I'd love to put you in contact with them! Shoot me an email and I'd be happy to help.
Good luck!