I'm so sorry for not getting back to you on your Myspace message. Yes, I am still doing Flat Stanley. I don't plan on starting it until mid-November. I haven't had a chance to start it because we've been doing a quarterly math test, a writing prompt and a theme test. I haven't had the time to tackle all the letters home I need to create, etc. When I do get a chance to type them up I'll email you a copy so you can edit it to use for yourself. I'm thinking I'll have kids bring 3 stamps, one to exchange with one of your students, and 2 others to send to addresses of their choice. I'm going to hang up a large map on a bulletin board and put tacks in the places Flat Stanley visits. Can you send me your school email address through myspace?
Re: Marina
Sure no problem.
I totally understand not having enough time. We got a new math program this year and it is requires more time than I am use to. My art projects have suffered because of it. We also started touch-math as a supplimental math programs. And we changed our report cards whch requires more testing than ever. Ahhh!
oh my... we have the same program.
Everyone in my school hates it.. yet we all loved. Which is why we adopted it. To me, it is too much. I have yet to use the center time stuff or the big books or the music cd. However, I have managed to make good use of the manipulatives and wipe-boards. I really like the homework/problem solving page, less things for me to copy.
But I hate all the books. I have had parents collating the books because it became too hectic to have the students tear out the pages needed for the day.