Avery arrived via c-section at 12:22 pm on Oct. 7, 2008. She was 7 lbs, 7 oz. Not quite the 8+ lb baby Dr. D had projected but... it was VERY good we did the c-section. Her umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck and she had already had a bowel movement in the womb. It was VERY VERY likely that even if I had attempted a vaginal birth (assuming my cervix was favorable), we would have ended up in an emergency C-section anyways.
She is GORGEOUS. Robert is an amazing daddy as well. As soon as the doctor pulled her out of me, he was with her. The baby team had him be a part of everything. It was funny that when they told him to "come on" to go bathe her... my doctor stopped him and said "Oh Mr. M - just wanted to let you know that Sarah is fine"... I'm so chopped liver these days.
it was about 4 hours after my surgery that I was able to see her and when I did, she immediately latched on breast feeding. The next morning I called a lactation consultant to ake sure that we had it right and she got an A+. Now if only my milk would come in because she is a GREEDY little thing!
She is the perfect baby (like I said she would have to be!). She only cries when she needs something, is a big cuddle bug with anyone who holds her and is pretty damn cute.
Re: Avery is here!