Well today we had our NT scan and our 3 month appointment. To say i was jumping out of mu skin to see the baby again is an under statement. We haven't "seen" the baby since 6 weeks so this was our first time hearing the heart beat and seeing more then just a dot/bean on the screen. The tech started and right away our little precious angel was on the screen. He took some measurement and baby bean is measuring 14 weeks 3 days but since it is within 10 days of our original due date they won't be changing it, we will leave it at 9/22/11. He couldn't preform the NT scan since the baby was measuring so big but we will just hav the blood work done at our next appointment. The heart rate was 145 bpm, and let me just say that is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard in my life, both CJ and I cried when we heard it and saw the beats floowing across the bottom of the screen.
Then the tech said, would you like to know what you are having, CJ and I at the same time we "Yes Please!!!!" haha so he took a picture and said "It looks like a boy" then I asked "how sure are you?" his response "Yea, I am 99% sure this is a boy, Congratulations" CJ's face light up like a Christmas Tree he was sooo excited and I just couldn't stop smiling, our baby boy, our precious baby boy! I still can't believe it... Here are some pictures from today.
Re: NT Scan...
Yay! Congratulations on your sweet baby boy! Nolan always measured really big on ultrasound...and he ended up being 10 pounds at birth! haha not to scare you! Were either you or CJ a big baby?
Congrats again!
Oh, okay, then you should be okay
I was a huge baby, so it didn't come as a huge shocker. So far this kid is measuring right on track, which is good
I had some serious back pain with Nolan.
Oh good, I am glad this baby is measuring right on track for you. I have been having some lower back pain but I think thta is because my chari at work sucks and I have been sleeping on my side which I am not used to.
Thank you so much, I was anxious all day yesterday to go and hear the heart beat. The whoe way there I was just saying please have a nice healthy strang heart beat and if you feel up to us show us if you are a boy or a girl... I am so glad both those things happened.
Yes, we are going to name him Zachary Steven.
Thank you, I know iwas so excited to se ehim not look like just a dot anymore. hehe, it is just adorable, I think, already
Thank you
Thank you
AWESOME NEWS!!!!!!!!!!
Our NT scan is next week, OMG it we could find out the sex...oh MY!!
That would be awesome! I can't wait to hear how your appointment goes. How are you feeling overall?
Thank you, I am getting even more excited for a boy, I was looking at a TON of boy themed stuff online today
Thank you, we have loved that name for a very long time now so it just fit and Steven if after my dad
He was pretty excited about that hehe
thank you...
Thank you girls, I love when CJ rubs the belly now and said I love you Zachary, it melts my heart, MIL is sooo excited too she put the cutest comment on the album on FB. I love that our families are sooo excited about Baby Zach.