Does your school do anything like this?
My son started school down here in Wareham, MA a few weeks ago (he's in the 6th grade). Never in my life have i seen this amazing program. They have a resource for parents called "powerschool". It is a website where teachers log homework assignments, grades, and notes about the kids. I guess this is used in place of Parent Teacher Conferences, so parents can see how their child is doing..
Chad is not that great when it comes to school. Very un-organized and aside from calling his teacher every day (which i am sure, aggrivated them) I had no idea when stuff was late, or how he was doing. Now I can keep on top of him. I love it..
Re: Attn: Teachers
From what I gather, Amye, this does replace the PTC's. He is in more of a Jr. High Type school now where they change classes all day long. From what i see from the handbook, they feel this is better then the whole "5 minutes of talking with a teacher and moving on" thing. I think we can request a meeting with the teachers, but there are not any PTC's in the schedule for the year... I will be requesting a meeting, but i am glad this is here for me to help Chad with his work.
On a side note, all the way up until i graduated, my parents had access to sign up for the PTC's. I am not sure why or when this started changing. Maybe it is just something that is going on down here in MA?
Oh, you did say that, he's a 6th grader. No, that makes sense. Open House is sufficient, I think, for the older grades. I would LOVE to have a website for my classroom and I can, actually ... but we have to use the design specifically given to us by the district and you can't update it easily from home ... I don't think it's user friendly and I know that's why a lot of the teachers don't bother with them. So, that's great that you have such an awesome tool to keep involved w/ your son's education!!
Where I teach now does not have powerschool (I teach in the same district as Amye, just at the middle school)...but my old school did. I had a love-hate relationship with powerschool. It was great that parents had the access, and the idea was to lessen the amount of meetings, but because parents could see everything, it actually created more meeting and more phone calls, emails, etc. Parents can sometimes nag on small calling about each and every homework assignment, etc.
In my school now (I teach 7th grade English), we send progress reports home mid-quarter each quarter which details and each and every assignment for each and every class, but it is on paper. We also have an open house mid to late September for parents. The only other meetings we have with parents are ones that we specifically request, or ones the parents request.