Phoenix Nesties
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We are 38 weeks, 1 day. I'm going insane. Our due date is right around the corner and I'm so paranoid to make plans/schedule appointments and just completely on edge that I'll get "the call" any time. I can't sleep, can't relax... Just totally on edge. So mama's how did you make it through crunch time (or are you making it)? I'll take any advice I can get!
Re: How did you get through?
With me, I was taken by surprise....Was told kid is going to be late, and then BAM, 3 weeks early. So I figured I had time to "panic" later LOL.....I wouldnt worry about making appointments with an pediatricians...they are set up to accomodate newborns within the 2 day's of being released from the hospital. Maybe go on a few date nights with the hubby this week? Or spend some extra quality time with the pup at the park? Hopefully time will pass quick
The wait is the worst. It feels like such a big life change should be attached to a date that you can definitively count down to (like a wedding date). And the due date doesn't count, cuz that's just a shot in the dark. I made a list of all the places I wanted to go out to eat one last time before Ryan came and all the last things I wanted to do. I figured it he arrived and I hadn't gone to Anzio's one last time, I probably wouldn't care cuz I'd be distracted with love... but at least it gave me something to hang on to, like "Ok, he hasn't come yet... well, at least that means we can hit up Mi Pueblo one more time."
Lame, I know. That's all the advice I've got, hahaha.
I'm with the others. Christian came five weeks early, the morning after our last birthing class. In fact, in the parking lot on the way home from said birthing class, we talked about our last five weeks of freedom. It turned out to be about 12 hours of freedom.
I like the idea of making a list of things you want to do before your daughter gets here... things you will have a hard time doing with her. Movies, fancy restaurants and bars would be on my list!!
Do a two or three a week and before you know it she'll be here!!
I love the idea of making the to-do list. That's a great way to focus some energy elsewhere. Enjoy this time with your hubby because for the first few weeks you might forget to do little things, like kiss each other goodnight.
Thanks ladies, I appreciate the suggestions!
I really like the idea of making a list- I did this yesterday, and completed one task last night- a facial, boy did I need that!
Hopefully this will help pass the time until baby E decides to show her sweet face.
Thanks again ladies!
YES!! Spa treatments come less often after babies come into the picture. Do some more of those!!!
I had an emergency c section with DS#1, but it was on his due date and had a scheduled c section with DS#2.
The waiting was always the worst
I def agree with spa treatment. DH got me a gift card for full spa day for Christmas and with LO I haven't had time to use it.