So I put up a McCain-Palin lawn sign yesterday, and when DH got home I could tell he really wanted to ask me to take it down. Instead he just asked why we couldn't be less obvious Republicans? He didn't want the house to get egged.
That made me so mad! But he wasn't entirely off track --this morning our neighbors (and not that it's any of my business but I know that more than half of them living there have questionable citizenship status) was giving the evil eye to my lawn sign. Now when their kids kick soccer balls into the side of my car, they can do so with purpose, I guess...
Anyway, people have every right to belong to whichever political parties they so choose, and can advertise their support as such, but why is it that Republicans are made to feel like their affiliation is like an endorsement of the party that kills kittens? As it gets closer to the election, I've seen more and more McCain stickers and signs being displayed... but it's as if people are hesitant to do so.
It sure feels like there is a double standard when it comes to who can exercize those First Amendment rights to free speech; we have to go out the way to allow everyone in every group to say, display, whatever they want but I feel like we have to be closet conservatives.
Re: Repubs... does this bug you?
Interesting points. I honestly hadn't thought of the egging possibilities, as I live in a condo and don't have to tend to a front yard, etc. It's unfortunate that people sometimes feel that they need to "closet" their support for any given group(s)...well at least I do. I know what you mean about feeling like that, and those who openly share or impose their views onto others are a whole other kind of people. (no offense)
It's just as if I'm wearing a red sweater today, doesn't advocate that I hate blue. Ok, too extreme? Whatever.
I hear ya...just want to chime in. :-)
It's so wierd to me: the political climate right now. It doesn't matter to me who or what someone else supports, we don't have to agree with one another, and that's the beauty of living in America.
But doesn't it feel like a lot of people have adopted this attitude like "I can openly support my party, my cause, my candidate... but you can't" ?
Definitely a double standard. People can't seem to agree to disagree. That's what's suppose to happen here folks...but to judge you, glare at you, etc. It's frustrating.
Yea, that's so wrong!
I just think a ton of people are frustrated with the state of the country right now and the economic crisis. People blame bush. Bush is a republican.
McCain is not Bush, but he is with the same party.
I feel like some people, and my family is much like this treat the election like a football game. They pick a team and rally for them.
I dont like it when people get all bent out of shape and get all crazy about which "team" you are supporting. Everyone should be able to vote for whomever they want without feeling guilty or like they need to go in the closet.
It sucks about what happened, but the country is a bit stressed and crazy right now because of all the foreclosures and the job market. Its for this reason, i've decided to not put any candidate flags/banners up myself.
I kinda got upset at DH during the primary. He wouldn't shut up about Obama. Every minute of the day he was trying to pressure me into voting for Obama over hillary. It really drove me NUTs!!!!!!!!!!!
I finally had to tell him to shut up and its my right to vote for whomever I want. I never told him who i picked, even though he constantly nagged me for days.
Everyone's entitled to their own opinions, definitely!
I'm not opposed to you putting up your signs, that's your right, but it's annoying when you've got a neighbor with 6 signs on their lawn. (((he lives around the corner from me....)))The signs have been up for months, they are tacky and honestly...does anyone really care who he supports? I certainly don't and I don't think the neighborhood does either.
It's much the same why everyone gets annoyed with the Hollywood Celebrities who think the public cares about their opinions. Do I really give a rats butt that Chuck Norris supports McCain or that Lindsay Lohan supports Obama? Absolutely Not...the fact that I know this information is even more annoying! Ugh to it all...
6 is a little excessive in my opinion.