Today I went to this store in Glendale. The first thing I want to say is that Google Maps sent me to the wrong place, but that's probably because there is a 57th Ave. and a 57th St. right next to each other. Other than that little mishap, I had a wonderful experience there. It's setup in a house (but there's a ramp for handicap/strollers, which I liked). All of the rooms are stroller friendly as well. As soon as I got there my son started fussing, and the owner directed me to another room designed for nursing/changing baby, which I happily took advantage of. I came in search of cloth diapers, and since I'm a noob she demonstrated all of the ones she had available, including Fuzzibunz, Bumgenius, Flip, and Happy Heinys (that I remember, there might've been one or two more brands). I really appreciated the advice. And when my son dropped his paci, she sterilized it for me! Other than CD's, there were lots of other neat things around like toys, clothes, and lots of nursing supplies like bras, tanks, pumps, etc. I also picked up some Medela milk storage bags and Earth Mama Angel Baby nipple butter (which I immediately started using and love, especially since it's not as thick or greasy as lanolin). And to top it all off, she gave me a military discount. I told her I'd recommend her store to my friends, and I thought I'd drop a post about it here in case anyone was thinking of taking a trip up there.
Re: Healthy Baby Happy Earth
Thanks for the review!
I've been planning on going over in the next few weeks, and now I'm really looking forward to it!