DH is pissed at me.
We had planned to have a movie night. Well, apparently, he had chosen a movie and neglected to tell me. He wanted to watch Stardust. I have NIL interest in watching it. So he popped in a movie and plopped on the couch, and I was like, wtf , what did you put in? We didn't pick anything yet! And he tells me, and I was like, can we pick something together, I don't want to watch this one.
So he gets up, huffs over to the XBox, shuts it off and storms out of the room into his office and closes the door. Um, what?
I knock on his door and was like, please don't have a major malfunction because you never told me that you already had a movie picked out without consulting me, and it's not one I feel like watching... Are you coming out again or are you just going to play a video game?
He said he was going to play a video game. Fine, sit in your office by yourself, then. Sigh. I'm not playing that game. I'm cranky because I can't eat anything else now because of the stupid bloodwork I have to have redone in the AM. grr.
Re: Seriously?
I'm sorry he's being dumb, Heather.
We go through that all the time... but not that extent = ) DH is constantly watching movies that I have NO interest in watching. And when he asks me to sit with him I feel bad not doing so because we don't have much time together... ugh!
I'm sure he'll get it over by morning = )
you hit the nail right onthe head!!!!!
i prob. will watch it eventually, I just wasn't into it tonight, so him trying to force it on me, and then pulling that attitude crap....please. I deal with a child all day, I don't need to humor your a$$ now, too.
Tomorrow's drive to the hospital at 7am should be LOVELY. He has to drive me and pick me up from the bloodwork. Sucker.
Oh man. I don't know what I'd do, but if my DH pulled that he'd be subject to equal or more grumpy behavior from me as a result.