I have some hydrangeas, they have a white flower and that is about all I can tell you about them. I live in Minnesota and now that the snow is gone, I am wondering what I should do with them. They are obviously dead/dormant. They still have the dried flower part on them; what part am I supposed to take off so new stuff can grow? I read online to only prune the flower part, but I think that is for areas that never fully freeze since they talked about leaving the green parts alone, there are no green parts. I feel like I didn?t pull anything off last year and they grew back fine?.maybe last year the wind knocked the flowers off. Do the leaves grow from the current sticks or do they all grow up from the ground new.
Re: Hydrangeas
In MN, you probably have Annabelle hydrangeas. It's one of the few varieties that are reliably hardy in the harsh winter areas north of zone 7.
Annabelles are white and die back to the ground. They will respout and grow up from roots in late April-May (as soon as it's warm enough). You can cut them back if you want to; it won't affect the new growth or the bloom. Otherwise, you can leave them alone until they green up, then snip off any dead twigs that never flushed out with new growth.