Call me silly, but I didn't realize that we had a local VT board! I'm glad I found it! My usual spot is on the BOTB board. But I was looking at past boards and found this so I thought I would use the questions to help introduce myself.
Town: Montpelier
Age: 23
Married: September 1, 2007
Where: We had a small wedding in Calais on Mirror Lake.
Field of employment: I work for a Credit Union in Berlin
Favorite Vermont Products: Cabot Cheese
Favorite Vermont Hang out: DH and I like to go to the Pub & Brewery, Positive Pie II and We enjoy relaxing on the Capital Green
Grow up in Vermont? Yes I was born and raised right here in the Green Mountain State.
Do you have kids? No
How many? Ages?
If pg, when are you due, what are you having?
Favorite thing to do with your kids (out and about)?
DH and I have been trying for a year. We got our BFP on September 5, 2008 and I miscarried on September 14, 2008. We just purchased a condo in Montpelier so we are going to be trying again sometime in the next year.
Re: New To Local Board
Hi there. There is a similiar survey/poll below. I have one son, who is 4 months old. We live outside of Montpelier and love to get out and walk/hike/eat We have a dog who loves to join us too.
Sorry to hear of your loss earlier this fall. Very sorry.
Welcome to the board!
I love these two beautiful children!