Hey nesters !
So I have been popping in our local ever now and then and it as you know... VERY slow. I checked out our boardering states and my oh my they are posting up a storm! So I realized that we are just some busy ladies ! Im sure everyone would like to know what each other has been up to, so I am going to start
I have recently taken a fantastic Central America vacation, we cruised the Carnival Dream and had such an amazing time. When we got back to NH we decided we wanted to travel more...2 days later we booked another cruise(CRAZY I KNOW). Other than making pina colada's in my blender at home thinking I am back on the islands I am going back to school this week.
I start classes this Saturday and I am very excited about this new chapter in life. So enough about why I havent been posting, lets hear about you!
Re: We are some busy NH nester's !
The cruise sounds fun! I can't wait until our vacation to Chicago in June.
I've been busy with my thesis, which I am defending this Friday. Yikes! So needless to say, I haven't had much time.
Sounds like a great vacation!
We've just been gettin busy
:points to ticker:
Yea for gettin busy & vacations! I've been around but lurk mostly (i'm not so good at typing while nursing
) It's nice to actually see a new post on our local!
Wohoooooo! Congrats
We actually haven't been that busy lol. Riley's birthday is coming up in 2 weeks and we're having a small party, in June my brother graduates high school and then we're taking a long weekend away, but other than that just the day to day stuff
Which I guess is enough by itself some days!
How is she a year old already?! She's adorable!
We went to Italy for two weeks in March and had guests spend the weekend right after that. We recently renovated our house so every spare moment is spent changing a door knob or hanging a tp holder! fun fun!
I may call a cease fire for the summer so we can just enjoy ourselves. Who cares in there's still unpainted drywall patch in the guest bathroom.