Lately, I'd say within the past week Jacob has become so aggressive. ?He hit a little boy at school, and he hits and kicks us here at home. ?I was picking up my car at the dealership on Friday, while I was waiting I was speaking to a salesman and holding Jacob at the same time, and he just started pounding on me, I had to grab his hands and give him a stern talking to. ?But it seems like he is not listening. ?We use the time out chair. ?His teacher says to use the phrase "It makes me sad when..." ?she says it works, but when I use it I get this look from Jacob that says yeah right. ?I have actually started asking him if he wants me to hit or kick him, he says no, so I tell him that I don't like to be hit or kicked.?
Nothing has changed in our lives, so I don't know what could have triggered it.
Any ideas?
Re: Aggressiveness in boys...
I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this. While I don't have any advise, I hope that it's a phase that he will soon grow out of. Also, I'm not so sure that it's just a boy issue. Jos had picked up on biting (herself and us) while at one day care, and luckily for us it was short-lived.
I hope too that some of our teachers on here can chime in on this matter. Big hugs to you!!!
When Rj gets defiant on us-we use the Time out time but tell/explain to him why he is getting time out. My sister uses that phrase " Its me sad when" on him and it seems to work for her but it does not work for us with Rj. When he gets really upset or just start acting up, I take him in a quiet place and ask him to use his words to tell me what's the matter. Most of the time it works.
Although lately he has been saying I will not do it again. And if he does I remind him what he said -then he follows "oh yeah I forgot." Sometimes I have to bite my tongue so I will not laugh and stay looking upset after he says those kinds of things.
We do use the time out chair at home & at IL's house (OMG I hate to use it when we are there because MIL undermines me and just hugs jacob, but that is whole other issue) ?and it works but when we are out it is hard to manage it. ?
Today he was eating dinner in his high chair and I was facing him, he was kicking me in the stomach. ?I asked him 3-4 times to please stop kicking mommy because it hurts mommy, but he kept doing it so next time he did it I lightly pinched him, ?OMG you would have thought I cut off his toe. I apologized and then asked him do you like it when mommy hurts you, he said no, so I said mommy doesn't like it when you hurt her. ?He didn't do it again for the rest of the meal.
I don't want to use that kind of example again.
I just want my sweet boy back.?