So, a little background before I set off on a list of questions! My fianc? and I are moving somewhere between Bowling Green and Elizabethtown sometime between June and August of this year. My job is moving to Munfordville, and they have offered me a great opportunity to grow with the company. This has been a dream of ours since before we even started dating. We are both very excited, and also a little nervous.
We are both from the south suburbs of Chicago (Go Hawks!), and have lived here our whole life. We are very used to the lifestyle of living outside the big city. So, this should be a BIG change for us. I have started to price some basic things out, everyday cost, and all that fun stuff! But, when you read some of the websites it doesn't tell you everything (or maybe I am used to the killer Cook County taxes and fee's). So, I am looking for a little help! If you know the cost if you would be kind enough to share with us, it will help us work our budget a little closer. I know they may not be exact, but at least maybe a step in the right direction!
1. License Plates- I read somewhere that your plates are only $21? It almost seems too good to be true! It is really cheap!
2. Drives license fee's. I also found that it said $12 on one website, and that also seems very low.
3. Insurance Cost- I know this you cannot give me an exact, but maybe a ballpark figure. I drive an 2008 Scion tC. Here I pay about $1,300 a year. I do have full coverage.
4. Food Tax- Is it true, you don't pay sales tax on food?!
5. Gas Prices- Yes, I know they are going up at a rapid pace. I just paid $4.15 a gallon this morning. What are your gas prices like? I am sure they are WAY less then ours, most are.
6. Does anyone know what the traffic in I65 is like between Elizabethtown and Bowling Green for a normal commute (8:30-4:30)?
7. Renting- I found prices for a 2 bedroom in Cave City for $450 a month, and Glasgow for $550. I am assuming that finding a place under $650 shouldn't be too hard? That is what we are paying now for our one SMALL bedroom apartment! We are in a very safe neighborhood with great schools, though.
8. Is there any towns that we should steer clear of? We have some really bad towns up this way.
I think that is it. I know they seem silly, but it is weird! We are trying to hear things from people who live out there, vs. what we read on the internet!
Re: A few questions...
You will definitely be in for some culture shock! I hope everything goes smoothly with your move.
My Bio
Thank you so much! I saw the plate fee's and was in shock! I just paid $104.50 to renew my basic non-custom plates. Thanks for the tip to bring cash! I never carry any, so I will make sure I have some on those days. I am happy that everything is so much cheaper out that way! We get taxed on everything plus all the "hidden" fee's.
Anything to do with money, you will find everything to be cheaper here. This is a very low COL state, especially when you're not in a huge city (and even then, it's not bad.)
Right now, I believe there's some major traffic on southbound 65 right after Etown. I'm not around there a lot, but when I drove by it about a month ago, it was backed up for miles. Obviously, that won't be a major issue for forever, but right now it sucks. There is a fair amount of traffic between Etown and BG, though, because it's a main thoroughfare between big cities (Nashville and Indy).
As far as towns, I don't think that you'll run into towns that are bad like what you're thinking. You'll find towns that are super small (like no stoplight small - I live in one of those!), and there will be lots of double-wides, rundown houses, etc. because of the poverty level in those communities, but it wouldn't be anything that would make me afraid to live there.
Renting- We've got a 2 bedroom duplex for $375. It's very spacious, and we're a minute from H's main school. Like I said, LCOL!!!
I used a check for my license.
Gas in the towns I frequent is sitting between $3.60 and $3.75.
1. License Plates- I read somewhere that your plates are only $21? It almost seems too good to be true! It is really cheap!
License Plates are around $25, of course you pay vehicle taxes each year (which is a lot more) to get your tags...
2. Drives license fee's. I also found that it said $12 on one website, and that also seems very low.
I think this has gone up to $25, at least that is what it is in my county. FYI comunities in Kentucky go by counties rather than cities. For example, if you asked someone from Munfordville where they are from they would say Hart County. That is something that is different from Chicago. This is not true in bigger cities i.e. Louisville, Elizabethtown, Lexington, Bowling Green, Owensboro.
3. Insurance Cost- I know this you cannot give me an exact, but maybe a ballpark figure. I drive an 2008 Scion tC. Here I pay about $1,300 a year. I do have full coverage.
I pay 1100 for my CRV, full coverage
4. Food Tax- Is it true, you don't pay sales tax on food?!
PP covered this
5. Gas Prices- Yes, I know they are going up at a rapid pace. I just paid $4.15 a gallon this morning. What are your gas prices like? I am sure they are WAY less then ours, most are.
Gas is anywhere from 3.70-3.90 in the state!
6. Does anyone know what the traffic in I65 is like between Elizabethtown and Bowling Green for a normal commute (8:30-4:30)?
Right now construction is a PIA in that area, but once they get things fixed up I think they should be done for a little while.
7. Renting- I found prices for a 2 bedroom in Cave City for $450 a month, and Glasgow for $550. I am assuming that finding a place under $650 shouldn't be too hard? That is what we are paying now for our one SMALL bedroom apartment! We are in a very safe neighborhood with great schools, though.
Most neighborhoods are pretty, nothing like Chicago.
8. Is there any towns that we should steer clear of? We have some really bad towns up this way.
Kentucky is pretty safe, of course crime is everywhere..
The above is not a rule. You won't be looked at crazy if you say you live in Munfordville.
I don't do this, and I live in a tiny, tiny town. I say where I'm from, and if they don't know where it is, then I'll explain it.
Same here. Or sometimes I just say "Lexington area" since most people know where Lexington is.
Thank you everyone! We are going down to look around May 11-13, then going back to rent a place sometime between June 3 and 4th or 10 and 12th!
We are both getting very excited, and scared!
Ha! Clearly I never carry either cash or the check book! I was super excited when the County Clerk started accepting credit cards to pay for the plate renewal.
My Bio
Yeah, Logan Co. hasn't gotten there quite yet.
Our greeting everyday at the beach. My two boys.
RUN FREE SWEET BOY RUN FREE gotcha day 12/272009 -11/11/2010
I think we are going to be looking in the Etown area. If there is anyway you can email me and maybe I can grab some info...that would be GREAT!