My son has an infection that keeps getting worse. Today he woke up and it has spread to about 5x the size it was. I am thinking putting him in cloth diapers for a while may help (at this point nothing can make it worse, right? The doctors just keep switching ointments). We are leaving him naked as much as possible, but that isn't possible all the time.
I know nothing about cloth diapers. I can't even go to Babies R Us and look at them and talk to someone there about them. I have strep, so a baby store is the last place I should be. I need to send someone to the store with a detailed list of things I will need.
So, does Babies R Us even sell good cloth diapers? And can someone give me a quick run down of what in the world I do with cloth diapers?
Thank you for any help you can provide!
Edited to say disposable. And that I'm heading over to the bump. Thanks!
Re: I need cloth diapers. Today.
Best sound ever: baby's heartbeat! (Heard @ 10w1d)
LOL yes cloth. Sorry, I feel like hell still and am not on my A game.
Yay, I had no idea the bump had a whole board for cloth diapering. Thanks!
The more I'm finding out about CD, the more afraid of them I am! I just watched some YouTube videos - it seems I would need to shell out a LOT of money for something I only intend to do for at most a couple weeks.
On the other hand, if you do invest, you might find you like it and want to convert.
Best sound ever: baby's heartbeat! (Heard @ 10w1d)
Good luck!
ETA: don't go cheap with the prefolds (ie: Gerber are nearly worthless) or they'll just cause more headache