Hello Ladies!
Here's the plan: Next Friday is the LAST day of school... finals will be over and everyone is coming to my house for a BBQ that night. I know we want to have hamburgers/hot dogs with all the fixin's. For drinks, I'd like to have some sodas and maybe some Mike's or Smirnoff Ice bottles. As for sides, I LOVE homemade potato/pasta salad, but thats about all we have so far. What sides do you suggest?
It's a "potluck" type deal and people are asking what to bring. I am at a loss for what to tell them. Should I have them bring a side dish? Drinks? Hamburger meat?
Also, I'm not sure what else to do. Should I have games of some sort set up for people to play if they want? Music playing? Decor?
Sorry for so many questions... I just want everything to go well!
PS... there will be about 12 people total.
Re: Need HELP with Weekend BBQ!!! :)
I usually do hot dogs/hamburgers, pasta salad, baked beans, fruit salad, and some sort of dessert.
I wouldn't make the menu any more complicated than that. Maybe get some chips and salsa to snack on before dinner.
I'd skip decor, but I would have music playing. I like rock music for cookouts, but of course that's a personal preference.
Corn hole or ladder ball are fun games that anyone can play.
Good luck with finals.
I'd make the basic that you've listed and ask a couple of people to bring dessert and a couple to bring snacks/sides. I'd also either buy some beer, oe tell people to bring their fav drinks. I can't drink Mike's/ Smirnoff all night. Whatver you do, don't ask people to bring meat. You might consider having some veggie burgers on hand.
I agree with the pp's - keep the menu simple. The thing you should think about is if it is rainy/cold/crappy weather. Is there enough room in your house? Do you need to clean out the garage?
I wouldn't worry too much about entertaining people, as it seems as though they will all know each other? A few yard games or even have a deck of cards on hand for when it gets dark or if it is cold/rainy outside.
Have fun!