My BIL said I could have his iphone if I could get it fixed; he'd gotten a new one after dropping it in some very nasty liquid.
I contacted a local iphone repair service (run by a college student out of his house) and he told me that if the water damage could be fixed, it would be $80, and the screen was cracked so that would be an extra $20.
He contacted me today with this message:
We managed to restore the water damage to the phone. Unfortunately the lcd went out, the battery needs to be replaced and the camera as well. The price for everything to be fixed will be $150.
I was prepared to pay $100, but the extra $50 hurts a little more. I thought that, having water damage, a new battery would obviously be needed and thus included in the $80 flat fee. Also, how would I know whether he replaced the LCD screen or just repaired it?
Would you pay $150 to get it fixed, or just sell it? I don't know if the price he's quoting is fair so I thought I'd ask the trusty nesties.
Any advice is appreciated.
ETA: it is an iPhone 3Gs
Re: Is this a fair price to pay?
I don't know what it costs to repair one, but a new one is $200 with a contract renewal through Verizon. So it's still less than a new one, but barely.
If it was me, I would push back and ask him to honor the original estimate that he gave he. He should have covered the battery if he looked at the phone to access it before giving you a quote.
You can get a 3GS through ATT for $49, and its a brand new phone. Also check online ATT offers refurb models that were refurbed through Apple for much cheaper. This kid has messed with a few phones and is making a pretty penny off of people who don't know any better.