For friends with milestone birthdays ending in ZERO I make candy bar poem posters/cards. The words in parenthesis are replaced with a candy bar. Some are hard to find like symphony which I get at Walgreens. Make changes appropriate for your mom with other candy bars. I got thick poster board at Walmart and used tape to adhere the candy bars (wrap a piece of tape to stick to the back of the candy and board).
name ? Happy big Five (ZERO),
Do you hear a (Symphony) of (Snickers)? [or ?RAZZLES and SNICKERS?]
Do your bones (Krackel) and (Crunch)?
Do you battle with (Mounds)?
Has the old (Whatchamacallit) gotten (chunky)?
Have your (Whoppers) turned to (Milk Duds)?
Do you feel like an (Airhead)?
Do you act like a (Butterfinger)?
There are (Good and Plenty) years ahead of you.
I think you?re worth (100 Grand)
Just wanted to share this instead of answering all the specific posts. There are also candy poem cards for other celebrations too like baby showers, etc. Just google candy bar poems for ideas.
Re: S/O All posts for Birthday ideas ending in Zero
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I've done them to thank nurses or teachers. Stuff like searching the Milk Way or going to Mars to find a better ____. Payday wish I could give you a 100 Grand. In a Crunch situation you are the go to person. The Mounds of praise cannot fit on a poster. You're a Lifesaver to us. Please Take 5 to remember you are appreciated.
They are always a big hit and you can get creative by what candies you find in your stores. Thanks OP for reminding me I should make another one soon.