Here is my yard:
We moved in last spring and decided to let the landscaping grow as-is to see what we have to work with. This year, we're making some changes! One area that has me kind of stumped is the hill on the left side of the house. It's currently a mix of weeds and hostas with a strip of grass that's really hard to mow. I'd love to plant something low-growing that can cover the entire hill from the side walk up to the house. I don't want anything super tall that will block the light to the basement windows. Something that flowers might be nice.
I don't know a lot of plant species, can you suggest something to cover this area?!
Re: Help me pick a ground cover?
Hi Mike!
Vinca Minor would be perfect for that area. It helps stop erosion on slopes, needs little to no maintenance, helps block the light to weeds but a few will break through so you'll just have to pull or trim anything that does, is evergreen...for when the snow melts that is, can handle some winter salt that might get scattered on it, and has pretty purple flowers in early summer. It does spread but is very easy to manage just pull up/trim anything you won't to grow there. There are a few varieties out there with different colored leaves but if you just want the standard dark waxy leaves you'll be able to find that almost anywhere. We have a ton of it if you're are ever down in WI.
We have phlox and Spotted Dead Nettle. Both flower.
At Home Alterations