North Florida Nesties
Dear Community,
Our tech team has launched updates to The Nest today. As a result of these updates, members of the Nest Community will need to change their password in order to continue participating in the community. In addition, The Nest community member's avatars will be replaced with generic default avatars. If you wish to revert to your original avatar, you will need to re-upload it via The Nest.
If you have questions about this, please email
Thank you.
Note: This only affects The Nest's community members and will not affect members on The Bump or The Knot.
Have any of you thrown a shower somewhere other than a person's house? As you know, a friend of mine from PA is throwing my shower, so she asked if I knew of anywhere she could host it. I have no idea, as all the shower's I've been to have been at someone's house. I know she doesn't want anything that's going to be too expensive.

Re: Places for a baby shower
We live in a tiny neighborhood with no clubhouse or anything.
Ashlee, we are going to start our kitchen renovation the end of this month/beginning of next, so I worry it won't be finished in time. We may end up doing that anyway and putting off the renovation until July, but wanted to look at other options first.
Most little town have a town hall...have you looked into that? Or you could do a church hall...they are both generally pretty well priced and have the tables and chairs all ready to go :-)
...i'm quite bored today so if you want me to help google around you could shoot me a message of your exact location...i'm near fleming island
I'd be happy to volunteer my house if you need it, depending on when she's planning to have the shower, might be a little sketch since I'm due July 28.
I haven't been to any bridal/baby showers down here at anywhere other than a house, so I'm no help
I'd be happy to sign as a community member if you wanted to look into one of the JCP clubhouses but I don't know what area of town you were trying to stay in. I think the JCP ones can be a little pricey compared to others though so if you know someone else in another neighborhood you might want to try there first. You can see the JCP rates here.
ETA: If she plans to serve any alcohol (some people do at baby showers, some don't...I've been to both) she has to purchase it through them, and I think you have to use a limited list of caterers. In other words, they may be a bit of a pain, but if you're interested just let me know.