Hello! Since it is getting to be the time of year in Washington that you can actually get some gardening done in between rain showers, I thought I would check out this board (I am usually on the Seattle board and sometimes D&R). We have a rather large back yard and have been working for the past three years (since we've owned the house) to try to transition it to a layout that is more functional for us and easier to maintain. We've done some things like adding paver pathways, and transplanting existing plants, but this year I think we will finally be able to get the yard to the point we want it to be. H built planters for me last fall and last weekend we went and bought a yard of 50/50 to fill them.
Anyways, this spring I was surprised to have what I believe to be one foxglove plant popping up out of nowhere. It surely was not there last year and it is BIG! I am concerned because I have dogs and I know that foxglove is poisonous. My question is - is it worth trying to transplant it at this point (I could put it in the front yard where the dogs don't go), or should I just rip it out and not worry about it?
Sorry, that ended up being longer than anticipated. TIA!
Re: Intro and a question: Foxglove