Since I'm already irritated at DH , what are things your DHs do that drive you crazy? Let it all out, you'll feel better!
My #1 thing is that he doesn't pick up after himself. Ever. Anytime he makes food or does a project, every.single.thing he used he leaves out. I have gotten used to coming behind him and putting it all away. I've tried sooo hard to let this go and it still drives me nuts. For example, I think "he just built you a cucumber trellis. So what if he left ALL his tools and materials out?" I put them all away, and the next day "Honey, where's my screwdriver? It's not where I left it." Sweetie, that's because it was in the middle of the kitchen island! I needed to move it to make dinner!
Re: Q of the day
Dh has three related habits that make me crazy. He doesn't see what needs to be done (thinks it's clean/tidy when it's not) and, probably because of this, he *never* finishes a cleaning "project" (leaves water bottles and counters unwashed, leaves the recycle/yw/trash bins in the yard, etc.) and he just sticks stuff places when i ask him to put it away/he knows it needs to be put away... light bulbs in the battery basket, all the tools left on the shelf instead of their respective tool boxes, and anything else he just sets on the mantle. (Since that's a good place for an empty glass/screwdriver/grocery bags/slobbery item stolen and chewed on by dog/etc.)
Best sound ever: baby's heartbeat! (Heard @ 10w1d)
Well, when I do clean up after DH, he will sometimes come back and looks at the area and says something like, "You missed a spot." Seriously, no joke. And he wonders why I get irritated after.
Oh, also that he asks me to buy sandwich meat for lunch and then he never takes it to work unless I pack it.
When he plays Devil's Advocate. Especailly when it comes to animal rights. He adopts the exact opposite point of view to mine just to push my buttons. I do have to admit we get a lot of really interesting debates out of it, but when it comes to animals I just get inexplicably upset and mad.
I hate it when he says "always" or "normally" but really means "occasionally." Last night he called me to ask where the big knife was (to his credit he also wanted to know if I wanted him to make enough food for me to have leftovers when he got home), and when I told him I'd used it and so it must either be on the cutting board, by the sink, in the sink, or in the dish drainer, he told me that he "always washes, dries, and puts away the knives as soon as he uses them." I'm willing to believe he does this sometimes, but I know I wash, dry, and put away the knives much more often then I use them. And I see him using them and leaving them to be washed pretty frequently. Which I don't mind. Considering how much cooking he does, I fully expect to wash more dishes. But I really don't think there is a gremlin in our kitchen mysteriously getting the knives dirty!
He also "almost always" puts his socks in the hamper when he takes them off. Yet for some reason I find a new pair of his socks on the living room or office floor almost everyday. Maybe he really wears so many socks that one pair per day represents only a small fraction of his socks misplaced at the time of removal, but if so, he's retrieving socks from the hamper to put on, because I have a pretty good idea of how many socks I am washing each week! Again, I don't really mind doing it (he's not the only member of the family who leaves socks lying where they shouldn't be, and no, we don't have kids yet), but it ticks me off when he refuses to acknowledge reality and things that I do for him.