I've never grown beans before, but a friend had extra plants, so I figured why not. My garden will all be in raised beds, about 2-3 feet off the ground. I've been looking at bean poles and other support structures online, but I just don't have the extra money to spend right now.
Here is my thought... we have 2 - 4-5' metal poles that the previous owners used to prop up a bush we took down. It's that old green metal pole that was probably like snow fencing type of pole. So it has holes ever few inches. My plan is to put the poles about 4 feet apart (in a 3x6 bed) and then create a checkboard of twine through it.
Do you think this will work and support beans? I have 6 plants, but i think i'm going to loose 2, so probably 4 plants total.
Oh, and I'm also planning to plant cucumbers in the same bed. Okay idea?